The era of original, tough-minded, and seriously cultivated magazine journalism is over, replaced by an age of random digital ephemera.
Author: Mark Judge (Mark Judge)
Journalism’s ‘Year of Confessions’ Needs a Deeper Confessional
Former Washington Post editor Marty Baron’s acknowledgment that George Stephanopoulos’s journalistic mea culpa was necessary rings hollow.
What Kash Patel Will Find in the Kavanaugh FBI File
Many of the same characters involved in lawfare against President Trump are implicated in the untruthful ambush of me and Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.
The New Superman: Soaring Clear of Wokeness?
In the wake of recent death blows to wokeism, America is ready for a film that celebrates a fully masculine and fully American character.
Getting Schooled
The absence of imagination and faith explains everything wrong with American education today.
An NYT Journalist Melts Down on Musk
Maureen Dowd, who once gushed over Elon Musk, now gives in to her Trump derangement and renounces her former self.
NYT Reporter Who Regrets Kavanaugh Hit Writes Book Defending the Media
The internal logic of the book David Enrich just wrote does not square with his statements about his own conduct.
Father James Martin and the Tired Leftism of the Jesuits
The left-wing priest and apologist for LGBTQ sin and abuse reveals the hatred that moves his order’s well-known, and bogus, calls for “tolerance.”
Watergate and the Media’s Addiction Problem
Watergate is the media’s self-righteous high that’s still too good to quit.
One Last Climactic Scene: Me vs Matt Damon
The actor’s unfair portrayal of Brett Kavanaugh on Saturday Night Live is making news again and it’s time he owned up to the injustice of it.
Should I Sue the Washington Post?
There comes a point when enough is enough. The media should be held accountable for their lies.
NYT Reporter Regrets Kavanaugh Hit: “I Have Learned Some Lessons”
In an age where journalists may finally be held accountable for their lies, we should expect more sudden pangs of conscience.
‘Seeing’: A Christ-Filled Jazz Record
An interview with jazz pianist Tord Gustavsen about the influences that converged to help him create his masterpiece.
How to Recapture the Lost ‘Literary Men’
Perhaps the way to get men interested in literature again is to take seriously the topics that appeal to them.
The Return of Due Process
In the post-Kavanaugh age, Americans are clamoring for a return to due process and the presumption of innocence.
The Coming Conservative Media Collapse
Leftist corporate media is collapsing, and conservative media is not immune to suffering the same fate.
‘Mary’: A Beautiful, Realistic Film about the Blessed Mother
Director D. J. Caruso has created a masterful work with a relatable portrayal for faithful and curious audiences alike.
Conservatives Can Curate Art for Themselves
As the right has discovered, the way around legacy media is to become the media. It can also become the culture’s art curators.
Washington Post Shake Up Should Shake Out Ruth Marcus
The Post’s op-ed page deputy editor is a dishonest hack and if Jeff Bezos wants to save his paper, she should go.
The Cowardice of Modern Journalism
More evidence of the diminished standards and dishonorable behavior of America’s fourth estate.
The End of the American Stasi
The days of feeling cowed by a humorless and censorious elite class of journalists and pundits are over.
Ben Shapiro’s Sloppy Mistakes Help Harris
In failing to fact check his story on Harris’s involvement in the Kavanaugh affair, Shapiro ends up pushing the liberal narrative.
Vindicated by Bezos Thirty Years after Leaving The Post
Jeff Bezos’s editorial calling out the bias of his own newspaper comes late in the game, but it is the paper’s last chance to redeem itself.
Punk Rock Feminist Has Revelation While Stripping
A recent memoir from an ’80s punk rocker touches on themes with surprising resonance for people on the right.
No Time for Garbage Horror Films
Terrifier 3 is a garbage film, not because it’s in the horror genre, but because it fails to grapple with any serious theme. Fortunately, we have so many alternatives.
Sheldon Whitehouse’s Sauronian Return
The senator attempts to revisit and relitigate the heinous and thoroughly discredited allegations against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh and me.
I’m Going to See a New Play About Me and Christine Blasey Ford
To defend my honor and expose the lies about Ford’s Kavanaugh story, I will show up at the Woolly Mammoth Theater on Oct. 7 and call the American Stasi out.
Bezos Gets It Backwards: He Should Run Amazon Like the Post and the Post Like Amazon
Jeff Bezos has an employee retention problem at both of his companies: Amazon can’t keep them, and The Washington Post can’t get rid of them.
‘Exemplum’s’ Paul Roland on Faith and Movie Making
An interview with the young Catholic filmmaker who made a movie with just $10,000 and got a 100 percent score on Rotten Tomatoes.
‘They Want Government to Be God’
The latest God’s Not Dead is the bravest movie of the fall season, Mark Judge writes. Read his interview with the film's cast.
Longlegs and the Unkillable Conservatism of Horror Films
Horror films are filled with conservative themes: Good versus evil, the importance of natural law, the reality of sin. 'Longlegs' is fine example.
Exploding the Left’s ‘Language Virus’ with William S. Burroughs
Inoculating yourself against the language virus of the left requires regular doses of cold, hard truth and, perhaps, the kind of madmen who are not afraid to offer it up on the regular.
Where are Today’s Athlete Journalists?
The golden age of American journalism featured men of great athletic ability. That they are missing today speaks volumes about why our journalism is so boring.
J.D. Vance is Both Right and Wrong about Kids and Cat Ladies
We should all be for the proposition that Americans ought to have more children, but the truth is that we may have our hands full with trying to improve the quality of the population we’ve got.
Kamala Harris, Queen of Oppo Research
Harris’s ties to sketchy opposition research figures are well-established and her fingerprints linger on several significant “oppo” hits. What will this mean for November?
Becoming by Beholding
An important new book demonstrates the ways imagination is essential to Christianity.
America, Honor, and Building a Grocery Store from Scratch
A season of manual labor on a construction crew would better prepare American journalists to make observations about our politics than whatever it is they are doing now.
Did Kamala Harris Help Torpedo Joe Biden?
As the queen of opposition research, Harris has a long history of deploying it against her opponents and ties to a notorious practitioner of the art.
What’s Missing from Journalism: Journalists
Too many of today’s “journalists,” on both the right and the left, have no drive for pursuing the story or finding what is interesting in their subject. This, more than anything, is killing journalism.
A Gen-X Sense of Risk Is Needed to Save Generations Y and Z
Modern life feels depressing for today’s youth because so much of it is lived online. The answer lies in embracing risk and adventure away from screens.
The Left Has Been Doing ‘Oppo Research’ on Conservative Justices for Years
Leftist “opposition researchers” are relentlessly concocting ethics complaints about the Supreme Court’s conservative justices to try to get them to resign or recuse themselves.
Dua Lipa, like Pope Benedict, Strives to Give Eros Dignity
The artist’s new album is panned by critics who miss the point of her commentary on real and lasting love.
How I Single-Handedly Spiked a Hollywood Hit Job
Think one pissed-off conservative can’t take on leftist Hollywood and win? Read on.
Limits and Hope: Against the Anti-Tragedy Agenda of the Left
Once the right allowed the left to frame politics as the avoidance of tragedy, they lost the game. We’d do well to reconsider what Christopher Lasch called the “limits and hope” of politics.
American Genius: Carver Skateboards, Skateparks, and Resisting the Joy Killers
Plans to build a skatepark in Brooklyn offer a laudable public works improvement to the city but are still not my style. The freewheeling street surfing possible on a Carver skateboard, however, is as American as it gets.
Press Cowards’ Hypocritical Lament Over Media’s Lack of ‘Balls’ and ‘Swagger’
Mainstream press critics whine about the demise of journalism’s good ole days, while carefully avoiding writing anything that would offend their paymasters.
‘Remember Us’: How to Fight Media Bombholing
A victim of media “bombholing” explains how the media drive their ratings and profits by publishing an unending series of wild, unsubstantiated stories, never stopping to correct the ones that came before.
‘Risky Business’ As Conservative Morality Tale?
“Risky Business” wasn’t supposed to be a sly indictment of capitalism. A coming re-release from the Criterion Collection restores the director’s original intention as a warning about crazy women and the power of sex to destroy men.
A Hallucinogenic and Unrepentant Rant
Christine Blasey Ford, the accuser in the infamous 2018 confirmation hearings for Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, has written an unrepentant and incoherent book while showing no remorse for the ordeal she caused others and the nation.
My Kavanaugh Hearing Nightmare and ‘Oprah Moment’ on Fox
One thing I learned from my ordeal in the limelight of the Brett Kavanaugh hearings and Christine Blasey Ford’s accusations is that the truth is always more complicated than the narrative.