Father James Martin and the Tired Leftism of the Jesuits 

Father James Martin, Society of Jesus, is at it again.

Martin, the Jesuit priest who has spent his entire life advocating for left-wing causes, is all over social media preaching that Jesus, Mary, and Joseph were refugees and therefore, good Christians should oppose President Trump’s efforts to stop illegal immigration into the United States.

What Father Martin does not wrestle with is the concept of evil. Jose Ibarra, a 26-year-old illegal immigrant from Venezuela, murdered a young woman named Laken Riley during a 20-minute struggle. Ibarra was convicted on a total of 10 charges, including murder, kidnapping with bodily injury, aggravated assault with intent to rape, and tampering with evidence.

Jose Ibarra is evil.

I don’t expect Father Martin ever to acknowledge that Ibarra is evil, not to mention the drug dealers and girl traffickers who poured over our border in the Biden years, because Father Martin can’t even acknowledge that pedophilia is evil. In 2019, retired Pope Benedict came out with an article about the sex abuse crisis in the Catholic Church. “When thinking about what action is required first and foremost,” Pope Benedict wrote, “it is rather obvious that we do not need another church of our own design. Rather, what is required first and foremost is the renewal of the faith in the reality of Jesus Christ given to us in the Blessed Sacrament.” 

Pope Benedict observed that beginning in the late 1960s, while Western society at large was facing the disappearance of God from the public square and collapsing morals, the Church’s own moral theology suffered “a collapse that rendered the Church defenseless against these changes in society.” As Catholic News Service put it, “a misreading of the Second Vatican Council shifted the Church’s understanding of revelation, resulting in a diluted or shape-shifting morality that was no longer grounded in natural law and the existence of absolute good and evil; morality could only make relative value judgments contingent on the moment and circumstances.”

Of course, Father Martin defied Pope Benedict. “Pope Benedict casts the sexual abuse crisis primarily as a theological problem,” Martin wrote on Facebook, “blaming progressive theology after the Second Vatican Council, as if what was needed to combat abuse was an acceptance of the correct theology. Thus, it was largely a problem of orthodoxy.” Even worse, says Martin, Benedict:

casts abuse as essentially a problem of ‘morals.’ Now, pedophilia is obviously immoral, but it is also a disease. One reason it persisted for so long in the Catholic Church was because it seen as primarily a moral problem. Thus, after ‘Father’ had recognized that he had done wrong, we could move on. But it is not simply immoral. It is, far more fundamentally, a serious illness, a profound psychological problem. Simply admitting one’s moral wrongdoing is insufficient.

In one sense, Martin is correct. Simply admitting wrongdoing after abusing a child is not sufficient to prevent further abuse. But he is wrong that the explanation for the continuing abuse is that pedophilia is a “disease.” In fact, pedophilia is an evil act that brings one into direct contact with the demonic. Pope John Paul II called the sexual act between man and a woman “an icon of the interior life of God.” Abusing a child in this way is the opposite . It is Satanic—which is why it is so rampant in places like Hollywood. The perpetrator needs more than contrition and psychotherapy. In most cases he needs exorcism and, quite possibly, a severe beating.

Father Martin is a representative of the moral failings of the Jesuits, who turned left in the 1960s. Their descent was described in Jesuit at Large: Essays and Reviews by Paul Mankowski, S.J., a book originally published after the death of Saint John Paul II in 2005. In one essay, Mankowski unmasks the raw hatred felt by these leftist Jesuit priests for the late pope.

After the attempted assassination of John Paul II, Jesuit priest Fr. Cyril Barrett said of failed assassin Mehmet Ali Agca, “The only thing wrong with that bloody Turk was that he couldn’t shoot straight!” The line was quoted in an official Jesuit magazine. Mankowski heard fellow Jesuits pray that John Paul II would have an early death. While it wasn’t in the official documents or magazines or brochures for the schools run by Jesuits, the current of rage was part of a system of “oblique rewards and punishments, by the smiles and scowls of the men who count.”     

Fr. Mankowski continues:

Men’s hatred for the one who has been unjust to them is trifling compared to their hatred for the one they have treated unjustly; every reminder of him brings a fresh twinge of pain. Liberal-apostates know that their hatred is irrational, that they do the pope an injustice in pretending he is free to un-pope himself by altering the deposit of faith. The dreams that progressivists surfaced during Paul VI’s pontificate—of a congregational, sexually emancipated, anti-sacral liberal Jesuits and “picnic” Catholicism—were frankly infantile… Not all Jesuits got smitten by this vision, but the majority did, and was stunned when Wojtyla [Pope John Paul II] failed to act out its fantasy. Many left the Society to seethe outside it; others remain, and seethe within.

Also in 2005, I published my own critique of the Jesuits, God and Man at Georgetown Prep. In 2006 I got a call from a Washington Post reporter doing a story on sex abuse and the Jesuits. I tried to tip her off to the problem, but I was ignored.

In December 2018 a report was released by the Jesuit Provincial of Maryland. The report revealed that 25 priests in the province had been accused of sexual abuse, including five who had taught at Georgetown Prep. One of the five had taught me as a freshman. I won’t say his name, I’ll only note that it was not Bernie Ward, another teacher of mine who wound up in prison for trafficking in child pornography. There were others—a Jesuit who left the order, moved to San Francisco and moved in with a student. There were also good and great Jesuits there, men who believed in and lived the Gospels and the Creed.

People upset that I wrote God and Man at Georgetown Prep need to have an examination of conscience, with a special emphasis on preventing sexual crimes and deviance. Father James Martin is incapable of such an Ignatian action. 

My soul knew what it wanted. It wasn’t a resentful, fallen, and effeminate man like James Martin or the Jesuits of his ilk.       

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