Trump's tech-titan friends clash with the MAGA base over high-skilled foreign labor. In truth, this clash was inevitable. The MAGA honeymoon was over before it began.
Compassion Denied
There are reasons for the joyous public reaction following healthcare CEO Brian Thompson's assassination. It is important that we understand those reasons.
American Men and the Emerging Culture Shift
This year signaled a rightward cultural shift for males and an opportunity for males to shape American culture.
Anarcho-Tyranny in Aurora
As Venezuelan gang members harass and pillage tenants in one Colorado city, the local authorities blame landlords. Anarcho-tyranny has come to Colorado.
The Tides of Chaos
The near assassination of President Trump failed to unite Americans. Rather, America is more divided and chaotic than ever.
Book Burners for Our Year Zero
The acceleration of “sensitivity editing” in publishing is an under studied, but crucial, aspect of our recent attempted cultural reset following the George Floyd riots.
Turning the Tide on Transgenderism
Prisha Mosley is suing the medical practitioners who convinced her to undergo gender transition surgery. Though each detransitioner has a horror story, Mosley’s is particularly hellish.
Kayfabe U.S.A.
Donald Trump continues an American political tradition that appears tough and adversarial, but is strictly theatrical. Wrestlers call it "kayfabe."
The Death of Laken Riley: A Case of Res Ipsa Loquitur
Laken Riley’s death was the product of deliberate policy choices that delivered predictable results with the precision of a Swiss watch.
Do What You Wish
Artificial intelligence is forging a world less free, and filled by individuals less equipped for freedom—or simply less equipped, period.
Childish Things
America has managed to become a country of childlike grown-ups with stunted imaginations—the worst combination of each state of life.
Two Nations, Talking Past Each Other
Ron DeSantis succeeded, not only in vanquishing Gavin Newsome in debate, but more importantly in illustrating the wide gulf between the elite ruling class and ordinary Americans.
The Victimhood Manifesto
Instead of treating mentally ill Audrey Elizabeth Hale, society told her she was a victim and, thereby, fed her delusions. There were dire consequences.
The Hobbes Horror
Life within late-stage American Empire is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.
California Dreaming
Pedro Gonzalez reflects on the rapid decline and potential comeback of his home state—California.
Vivek Ramaswamy and Conservative Victimhood
Vivek Ramaswamy once condemned conservative victimhood, especially Trump's Jan. 6 narrative. Now he's indulging it, in order to cultivate Trump supporters.
Black Lives Matter’s Billions
The flames that swept through our cities in 2020 may have subsided, but the individuals and the institutions that fanned them haven’t gone away.
The Voice That Won’t Be Silenced
Tucker Carlson's voice is too important to silence because he speaks for so many people.
The Trans Specter in the C-Suite
The enemies of conservatives are in America’s boardrooms, where executives form the driving force of progressive causes in the United States today and have been doing so for some time.
Exploits of the Noble Savage
Modern grievances are, at heart, about competition for resources, prestige, and power. All that has changed are the myths used to mask the claims and obscure reality.
The Myth of Draconianism
Punishment has become a bad word, but it shouldn’t be.
White Anxiety and the GOP
White anxiety is the single greatest driver of right-wing politics in the United States, and it is as understandable as the fear one feels while trying to avoid death by drowning.
‘Compact’ Makes an Impact
Michael Lind was a good fit for Compact magazine’s first event in New York City. Neither Lind nor the magazine has shied away from confrontation and challenging the managerial state.
A Conspiracy Against the People
The establishment has all but guaranteed the rise of a force in the future that will be as bad—or worse—than what they pretended Trump was.
“America First” In Name Only
The America First Policy Institute is the latest group of swamp creatures masquerading as America First populists.
Media’s Self-Induced Demise
The media ultimately stokes a revolt against itself. The disgust it instills with its fake narratives turns men against it.
It’s the Culture, Stupid
National Review’s decision to side with Disney against Florida Governor De Santis’s parental rights law demonstrates its capitulation to the left.
Western Hypocrisy Created Putin
Vladimir Putin is easy to blame but the truth is that the Russian leader is a symptom of the rot in the leadership of the Western world. The liberal interventionists in charge of Western foreign policy are the real threat to world peace.
Trans Tyranny in Public Schools
Schools across the country have adopted a controversial policy of hiding the LGBT statuses of students from their parents. Sold to the public as an effort to protect children from abuse, the policy effectively circumvents parental consent and notification about their children’s health, safety, and well-being. One Texas family told Chronicles how they fought...
Waukesha Massacre Undermined the Charlottesville Myth
The sound of screams replaced the music as a red Ford Escape slammed into the crowd, killing six people and wounding more than 60 in Waukesha, Wisconsin, on Nov. 21. Amid the bloodbath that evening were dead and dying victims as old as 81 and as young as 8. Their killer, Darrell Brooks, a 39-year-old...
The Rape of the Afghan Boys
Ainuddin Khudairaham held down the trigger of his Kalashnikov and kept firing on unarmed U.S. Marines until the rifle’s magazine was empty, murdering three and wounding one. The Americans had been working out at a gym on Forward Operating Base Delhi in Afghanistan’s Helmand Province when the teenaged boy attacked on Aug. 10, 2012. “I...
American Guerrilleros
If the American right feels pinned down by an enfilade coming from the institutions it has traditionally identified with and defended, that’s because that is precisely what is happening. Pressed up against the berm, the only way out for the right is through a place it has avoided. With the fall of academia, the ideological homogenization...