Author: Pedro Gonzalez (Pedro Gonzalez)

Home Pedro Gonzalez
The Place Beyond the Ruins

The Place Beyond the Ruins

Things are bound to get much worse in America before and if they get better. That is why we all need our “Two-Hearted River” beyond the ruins.

My Internet Friends

My Internet Friends

The less obvious part of the phenomenon of online friendships is that the communities created are often much more than common interest spaces.

Nation of Squatters

Nation of Squatters

A state in which people are essentially free to plunder the property of their neighbors is in a state of war. And when the legal system tips the scales of justice in favor of the pillagers, it becomes a kind of institutionalized tyranny.

Letitia James’s Richelieu Routine

Letitia James’s Richelieu Routine

If New York’s attorney general can smear and destroy an online publication simply because she does not agree with its contents, there’s no meaningful free speech in America anymore.

Losing Our American Minds

Losing Our American Minds

America is becoming an open-air insane asylum. Something about modern life is driving people crazy and nobody really knows what to do about it.

‘Hood Justice’ in Ohio

‘Hood Justice’ in Ohio

Three black men involved in the brutal death of a white teen in Ohio walked away with slaps on the wrist, calling into question whether equal justice under the law still exists for whites in America.

Neurotocracy, USA

Neurotocracy, USA

The case of James Younger and his forced gender transition may be a case of Munchausen syndrome by proxy, and is an example of how woke rule in America is characterized by systemic mental disorder.

The Trump Train Rides Again

The Trump Train Rides Again

Donald Trump's announcement speech for his 2024 presidential bid raised more questions than answers about what he did or did not learn as an executive in his first term.

A Day of Infamy in Europe

A Day of Infamy in Europe

The destruction of two Russian gas pipelines in the Baltic Sea fits into a suspicious pattern of U.S. economic sabotage, and will have disastrous long-term consequences for both Europeans and Americans.

Meloni Contra Mundum

Meloni Contra Mundum

The election of Italy’s new right-wing nationalist prime minister, Giorgina Meloni, is a rebuke to the woke liberal democratic system and its political-theological nerve center in Washington, D.C.

Revolt Against the Rainbow RINOs

Revolt Against the Rainbow RINOs

The recent clash between the Texas Republican Party and the Republican National Committee exposes the growing divide between grassroots conservatism and the establishment GOP, especially with regard to the LGBT agenda.