Mr. William Kennedy, a writer lavishly honored last year with both the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Critics Circle Award, recently wrote an enthusiastic review, published by the New York Times Book Review, of a book by Mr. Mario Cuomo, the liberal governor of New York.

I voted for Mario Cuomo for Govemor of New York in 1982 because I liked what he was saying and because I thought his opponent, Lewis E.Lehrmnn, was a social Luddite and a moral troglodyte

I was predisposed to like both him and his book since he wrote me a fun letter saying he’d stayed up all night reading my last novel, ‘Ironweed.’

How neat and smooth! How could an author who so forcefully shaped and vocally proclaimed such political convic­tions miss a Pulitzer or the Critics Circle distinction? Would those august bodies ever refuse their highest recognition to such a reliable thinker?