Near the latter part of each month, I anticipate having my day brightened by the delivery of the current issue of Chronicles.  It isn’t the content that lifts my spirit so much as the unwavering commitment to truth, common sense, morality, and transcendent values.

“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence,” John Adams said.

I count on Chronicles for hard, unvarnished facts that are seldom, if ever, found in the prattling pages and pictures of our nation’s mainstream media.  In the pages of your magazine, thought—based on facts, logic, and a knowledge of history—is evident.

In this post-Christian era, it is refreshing to know that I am not alone in fearfully watching the rapid and seemingly inevitable unraveling of the American experiment.

For that remnant of our society still clinging to the traditional values that once made America the hope of mankind, Chronicles offers a respite from the drum-beating, “chicken-in-every-pot,” political finger-pointing jingoism masking America’s loss of community, liberty, and independence.

The consistent content of Chronicles serves as a reminder of Whittaker Chambers’ gentle chiding of then-conservative firebrand William F. Buckley, Jr., in a letter nearly 50 years ago.  The beaten Chambers told Buckley not to be concerned about the wreck of Western civilization because “It is already a wreck from within.”

Chambers suggested that little could be accomplished except to nurture truth and preserve its flame until a day “ages hence, when a few men begin again to dare to believe there was once something else, that something else is thinkable, and need some evidence of what it was, and the fortifying knowledge that there were those who, at the great nightfall, took loving thought to preserve the tokens of hope and truth.”

Thank you for your continuing and tireless efforts.

        —Jim Panyard
Palmyra, PA