Will Democrats get the memo, or will they continue down the path of woke irrelevancy?
Tag: Barack Obama
Trump Is No FDR … and Zelensky Is No Churchill
The president is a much more honest broker than Roosevelt was, and the Ukrainian dictator is no hero.
Henry Hyde’s Monuments
The decision to remove the late congressman’s name from a judicial building in his home state can’t touch Hyde’s most lasting legacy.
The ‘Trump Is a Tyrant’ Critics Defended Biden’s ‘Imperial Presidency’
Media hypocrites denounce Trump as a tyrant for asserting his interpretation of the Constitution but cheered obviously illegal Biden and Obama measures.
The War Party is Recycling Their ‘Unpatriotic Conservatives’ Mantra
The fight for the soul of the new Trump administration looks an awful lot like the last one.
The Cold Civil War Is Over. We Won.
Trump is taking a sledgehammer to the entire Obama-Biden agenda.
Trump Inauguration: Too Many or Too Few Blacks?
CBS's Gayle King blasts Trump for having too few blacks while The View’s Sunny Hostin says there were too many.
Trump Battles Globalism in Public Health
Trump is right to focus on America First when it comes to public health.
Biden’s Legacy: Some Tips from the Historians
Like FDR before him, Joe Biden will be given a huge assist from the liberal historians who will manufacture his legacy.
Democrats Aren’t Democracy’s Party
Burned when they trusted their voters to give them electable candidates in the ’70s, Democrats have turned to power brokers. And they still get it wrong.
The Acts of ‘Axe’
Obama’s personal storyteller David Axelrod sold the American public a bill of goods.
The Gargoyle Becomes a Phoenix
The reopening of the great cathedral, Notre-Dame de Paris, is a great reminder of the achievements of Western civilization and our potential to live up to them.
Identity Politics, Not Biden, Cost Democrats the Election
Democrats are the victims of their party’s ideology.
Trump Draws the Map to 2028
Donald Trump destroyed the Democrats’ blue wall and, with it, their hopes for 2028.
The CIA Deception Machine Is Ready for Reactivation
What Trump’s nominees and the American people, are up against.
California’s Native Daughter Underwhelms
November 5 was not just a rejection of Kamala Harris’s political promotion. It was also a condemnation of her political past.
Democrats, Their Base, and Their Performance
The Democratic Party is exactly where it has been intending to go for the last several decades and, considering that, it performed very well on Election Night.
Trump’s Defiant Comeback Shows Potential Not Yet Tapped
The surprising arc of Donald Trump’s political comeback is not yet over. His critics should brace for more.
On the Senior Executive Service’s ‘Secret Service’
The elitist bureaucracy created during the Carter administration makes nothing more efficient and is at odds with the interests of the American people.
Democrats Are at a Dead End, Unless They Learn From Trump
Democrats who hope to revitalize their party need to accept that wokeism is a dead end and learn from Trump in the same way they once learned from Reagan.
Five Factors Behind Trump’s Triumph
How Donald Trump defied expectations to win the 2024 election.
The Death of Obamaism, and the Historic MAGA Opportunity
The 2024 election broke Obama’s Democratic intersectional coalition, presenting an historic opportunity for the GOP.
Neocon Artistry and Its Discontents
The Neocons, with the political left, now comprise a uniparty elite that confuses the interests of the state with the interests of the American people.
Reclaiming Civil Rights
Making America great again will require making civil rights honest again.
Is Demographics Destiny, or Destruction?
Our elite political class has manipulated illegal immigration to entrench themselves in power and disenfranchise Americans.
Importing Ancient Hatreds Undermines Liberty
Western nations that host large and growing Muslim populations are increasingly unstable.
‘One Percenter’ Barack Obama Hopes to Rescue the Hapless Harris
The one we have been waiting for is back on the campaign trail, this time to shill for Kamala Harris and secure his virtual fourth term.
Assassination Mysteries
Candidates and the people, be in no doubt as to the seriousness of your position.
Trump’s Would-Be Assassin’s Explanation
If Democrats don’t weigh their words more carefully, more violence will follow from the likes of Ryan Routh.
Who or What Now Governs America?
Clues from three key players suggest a cabal of commie aficionados beginning with the president who never left D.C.
Big Soft Daddy Walz
Don’t trust the men promoting progressive ideology to tickle women’s imaginations by reversing the expected sex roles. They offer little besides corruption.
Democrats: Jobs for Illegals, Welfare for Blacks
By now it ought to be a well-established fact that part of the Democratic “fundamental transformation” of America is keeping inner-city blacks on welfare by giving their jobs to illegal aliens.
The Russian Lit Plot Twist of Today’s American Politics
Given the way things have been going in American politics, one almost needs the assistance of Russian literature for descriptors.
No One Is Buying It
The lies on display at the Democratic National Convention are too bold to believe.
The Chicago DNC Theme Was ‘Hope’—What About Chicagoans?
In a city where many kids cannot read and in a year when inflation is hitting poor urban families harder than almost anyone else, Democrats have the gall to talk about hope.
Michelle Obama’s Trauma
The former First Lady’s DNC speech lamenting the ways of America’s racist, sexist red staters confirmed that she is just a champagne socialist with no chance at or interest in being elected to higher office.
DNC Roundup: What Did I Just Watch?
Democratic conventions are usually filled with soaring rhetoric disguising the party’s extremism. This year’s trainwreck is what happens when a party has no idea what they are or why they’re here.
Reforming Bankruptcy Laws to Protect Workers
Any serious attempt to address societal income inequality must give compensation to employees absolute priority in bankruptcy over the claims of other creditors.
Will Voters Settle for Joe Biden’s Understudy?
Harris is a more viable candidate than Biden was in his final weeks, but she isn’t prepared to be a better president—and Democrats know it.
Murder, She Wrote—and Lied
Kamala Harris fanned the flames of riots and refused to retract false statements.
Barack Obama’s Ongoing Fundamental Transformation
The former president’s fingerprints are all over our current year of living dangerously.
What ‘Black’ Really Means to the Left
Kamala Harris’s ancestry matters less to the left in defining her than does Harris’s consistently woke politics which, for them, is part and parcel of black identity.
The Undemocratic Coup
In effect, the Democrats have successfully executed nothing short of a coup d’état, the first in American history.
Barack Obama’s Fake Life Story, 20 Years Later
Twenty years ago this month, Barack Obama debuted before the Democratic National Convention with a fake life story that catapulted him to the presidency.
UK Elections Show Fake Conservatism Cannot Win
Since Britain’s Conservatives governed like American Democrats, the British elections have merely replaced one statist, social democratic party with another.
Supreme Court Did Not Place Trump ‘Above the Law’
Trump’s critics are angry because multiple politicized attempts to prevent Trump from holding office again have failed and seem likely to continue to fail.
Joe Biden’s Executive Amnesty Is Illegal, Unjust and Self-Defeating
Biden’s amnesty is blatantly, flagrantly and offensively unconstitutional. Only Congress, not the president, can “establish a uniform rule of naturalization.”
Biden’s All-of-Government Vote-Buying Scheme
A decade after Barack Obama pioneered it, Joe Biden is tasking every agency and department of the federal government to promote voter engagement.
Mass Illegal Migration Makes Us Sicker, Not Stronger
The Biden administration’s chaotic, illegal approach to immigration prioritizes importation of people with questionable health records over the well-being of U.S. citizens.
The Anti-White Totalitarians
The end game for the anti-white elites is to maintain control, marginalize and, if necessary, wreak destruction upon those who challenge their sway.