Short reviews of Middlemarch, by George Eliot, and Shane, by Jack Schaefer.
Tag: Books
September 1, 2023September 1, 2023Reviews
Rehabilitating Felix Frankfurter
American law school faculty is often given to unwise and thoughtless hero worship, to which even Felix Frankfurter occasionally succumbed.
September 1, 2023October 4, 2023Reviews
A Flawed Primer on ‘Conservative Revolutionaries’
The book Partisans is a product of contemporary political discourse—made up of cut-and-paste, second- and third-hand source-filled rants—that fails to pass for serious scholarship.
April 18, 2023April 18, 2023Web
A Few Comments on A Strange Liberty
In his new book, former Mises Institute President Jeff Deist writes incisively about the evils associated with the modern administrative state, including an important discussion of the late Murray Rothbard’s views on immigration.