Tag: Mike Pence

Home Mike Pence
Lawfare, Turmp hush money trial, John Eastman, Rudy Giuliani, Peter Navarro, Steve Bannon

The Rule of Lawfare

Lawfare is the manipulation of the legal system to get Donald Trump. But more broadly, it's the use of existing law, in a manner not intended by its framers, to neutralize or destroy enemies of those in power.

What Trump Sees in Doug Burgum

What Trump Sees in Doug Burgum

Trump’s VP contest isn’t really about the contestants; it’s about investing the audience in the drama of choosing and the man making the choice. Burgum is just plausible enough to extend that drama.

The 2024 Test for the New American Right

The 2024 Test for the New American Right

Among the pool of potential Republican presidential candidates for 2024, Ron DeSantis embodies the tenets and overall ethos of the more nationalist- and populist-infused "New Right" better than any other non-Trump alternative.