Tag: Richard Nixon

Home Richard Nixon
Watergate, lawfare, John Dean, Gordon Liddy, Last Supper, Richard Nixon

The Watergate Show Trial

During the Watergate show trial, the due process guarantees of the Fifth and Sixth Amendments were simply cast aside in an effort to destroy a president who was hated by the Washington “Deep State.”

Buzz Aldrin, Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, NASA, Apollo 11, moon mission

America Can Be Great Again

America's crowning achievement was the moon landing. But, since 1972, our nation's priorities have shifted from moon missions to diversity, equity, and inclusion. It doesn't have to be this way.

What Happened to Ron DeSantis?

What Happened to Ron DeSantis?

When a politician stakes his campaign on a demonstration of how thorough, consistent and philosophically pure he is, he might impress conservative journalists and policy wonks, but they don't pick the nominee.

Stan Evans: Unsung Hero of the Right

Stan Evans: Unsung Hero of the Right

Despite his significant contributions to the post-WWII right in America, M. Stanton Evans is not as well-known as his many accomplishments warrant. Steven Hayward's new biography sets the record straight.

The Age of Nixon

The Age of Nixon

Russell Kirk, a venerated conservative man of letters, weighs in on Nixon’s response to the media-incited campaign against him, from the July 1990 issue of Chronicles.