OK, all you readers: You are weak, easily manipulated, led by the nose to the gutter, susceptible to the devils of your diabolical urges, and you are crazy.  In fact you are the unspeakables, the deplorables who voted for Trump, and a bald, ugly man by the name of Roger Cohen says so.  Needless to say, he writes for the New York Times, but as far as I know, the only true thing he’s ever written is that his name is Roger Cohen.  From his hysterical scribbles I deduce his family went to South Africa and left that beautiful country once black power was about to become a reality.

Roger Cohen does not like Trump voters and Polish people.  He wants Poles to rise up against the massively popular government that was democratically elected, because the government does not strictly observe laws put down by the unelected bureaucrats that run the E.U. in Brussels.  Go figure, as they used to say in Brooklyn when the Dodgers were still based there.  “Awaken, Poland, before it is too late!  Revolutions for a constitution are worth defending to the hilt.”  This is in one of Cohen’s recent columns, urging revolution by the Poles against a government they voted for, and for a constitution that is already in place and working to the hilt, to use this grubby man’s lingo.

Poland’s populist government has planned certain measures to control out-of-control media and to oversee judicial independence closely.  The dictatorship of unelected bureaucrats in Brussels saw danger in this newfound independence, so paid-up members of the left, mercenaries like Roger Cohen, have obviously been called in and told to sing, and sing loud.  But this column is not about Poland—the independent Polish judiciary is influenced by the governing party as the U.S. Supreme Court is by its White House appointments.  Rather, it’s about the moral degeneracy of Roger Cohen, who disrespects more than three million devout Polish Catholics who perished in the Nazi holocaust by nonstop hinting that Poland was complicit in the Nazi effort to exterminate Jews.

Yes, dear readers, this semblance of a man and his degenerate newspaper libels millions of victims of the Nazis by accusing the Poles of “whitewashing” their crimes against the Jews.  There is only one thing to say, and that is, what crimes?  The Poles suffered as much as the Jews, even more so because both the Germans and the Soviets went after them, and the Poles fought back.  Seventy-five years later scum like Cohen dare attack the victims, as does that nice guy in Tel Aviv, Benjamin Netanyahu.

Mind you, Cohen is among the least aggressive of the Times’s columnists when it comes to Trump.  Roger the Dodger calls Trump a mean charlatan who cheated his way to the presidency, pretty mild stuff for the New York broadsheet.  The reason I have chosen Cohen among the horrors of the Times is that both he and I are foreign-born but write in American journals.  My country, Greece, was saved from communism by Uncle Sam and later from hunger by the Marshall Plan.  My father remade the family fortune in America.  Although I’ve lived in Europe most of my adult life, I love and respect only American values and people.  My hero was and is Robert E. Lee, my beloved alma mater the University of Virginia, and I do stand when I hear the “Star-Spangled Banner.”

Cohen and his breed are no Robert E. Lee admirers, of that I am sure, and they would be among the first to deny me the right to admire the great man.  Their job right now, however, is to divert public opinion from the moral corruption that sees Palestinian children dying in Gaza for lack of medicine and even food, and to point an accusatory finger at Iran for meddling in Syria, something Israel has turned into an art form.  Hence the sudden Poland-was-complicit-in-the-holocaust brouhaha.

Why are Americans so slow to realize that they’re being gamed by con men like Cohen and the Sulzberger gang that owns the Times?  The Middle East is about to erupt further, with both Russia and Uncle Sam involved, as well as Turkey, Iran, Israel, and Syria and that country’s myriad of competing militias.  Israel is the strongest Middle Eastern military power by far.  Her alliance with the evil Saudis turns Washington into Saudi-Israeli-held territory.  But like all bullies, they aren’t satisfied.  Let’s flog those dumb Polacks for a change.  You never know—every little bit helps.