Srdja Trifkovic’s Voice of Russia interview posted April 19, 2014 (excerpts)

Trifkovic: [ … ] It is obvious from Crimean episode that the gap between the artificial reality created by the western media machine and the tangible reality on the ground is growing by the day. That is what we have seen with the coverage of Maidan in the months preceding the Crimean episode, and what we have seen with the coverage of the Sochi Winter Olympics. It indicates a certain mindset in the media pack that is reminiscent of the era of “real socialism.” Unfortunately it is more effective, because many Western consumers of these media products are not even aware that they are being manipulated, whereas in the Soviet Union the people knew they were being lied to and only pretended to go along with it. [ … ]

It is the same both on the so called Left and on the so called Right, Fox News and the Guardian. One represents a kind of “Triumphalist-Global-Hegemonist-Neoconservative” point of view; the other represents the “Liberal-Globalist, Foreign-Policy-as-Social-Work” point of view. In essence the fruits of their labor are the same: to legitimize policies based upon meddling in other peoples’ affairs and creating regime-change situations. The media are providing uncritical support for governments in their pursuit of these objectives, which in reality are light years away from any rationally defined national interests of either the U.S. or of the West European countries. It is absolutely of no consequence to the denizens of Omaha or Seattle whose flag flies over Simferopol’s Supreme Soviet, but at the same time the U.S. meddling in Ukraine has created a situation in which the cities of Omaha and Seattle will remain targeted by the Russian ICBMs.

VoR: Talking about regime change operations, NGO’s, USAID and others, what in your opinion was the real U.S. objective in Ukraine? Some people are saying it was just getting back at Russia for Syria and to try to dirty the impression after the successful Olympic Games.

Trifkovic: It goes deeper than that, and it would not have been possible to organize the infrastructure of regime change so quickly. We have to understand that it goes even beyond any immediate quantifiable tangible gain, whether it is the pipelines or energy resources. It reflects a certain Russophobia which is visceral, and which has been internalized by the Western elite class to such an extent that it is no longer subject to any questioning or critical examination.