Cultural genocide is a legal term sometimes used to describe the planned destruction of an ethnic or religious identity. The English, in solidifying control over their islands, did their best to obliterate the historical memory of Scottish Highlanders and Irish Catholics, and the national socialists of Bill Clinton’s party are doing the same thing here in the United States, not only to Southerners, whose symbols, songs, and heroes are banned in public places, but also to the whole European cultural identity whose literature and traditions are being eliminated under the guise of multiculturalism.

Most classic writers, like Shakespeare and Milton, are not banned but simply ignored. However, certain books—Huckleberry Finn, for example—are under direct attack. Recently, PBS aired a program, produced by WGBH (Boston), to justify the elimination of Mark Twain’s masterpiece from America’s memory simply because liberals do not like to be reminded that many African-Americans were (and are) fond of calling each other “nigger.” Twain was in many ways a detestable character—a perennial village atheist, provincial boor, and (as a Confederate deserter) traitor to his people—but his Jim is the first—and best—sympathetic portrayal of an American Negro. Huckleberry Finn may turn out to be the American classic, if only because of its themes: the tragedy of racial misunderstanding, the lure of the frontier, the search for innocence, the poison of a Puritan morality that convinces Huck he is going to hell if he refuses to betray his friend. A healthy America could survive the loss of this one novel, but this is not a healthy country: We lose Huck and Jim, and we lose ourselves.

European-Americans should not think they are being singled out. During the war over Kosovo, we argued repeatedly that Christian Serbs violated the creed of the Clinton administration, a creed shared by the world-controllers at the Imperial Acronyms—WTO, NATO, U.N. “History is bunk,” they are saying, and so are historic nations and religions. Whenever I made this argument in a speech, many opponents of the NATO bombing accused me of paranoia: People on so low an evolutionary level as the Jamies and their bosses are not scrupulous enough to have an agenda, I was told, and all they want are the usual simian necessities of sex, money to buy sex, and power to force sex. The destruction of 500-year-old monasteries in Kosovo is simply an accident to be regretted only by people foolish enough to care about religion and art.

The U.N. world-controllers in Bosnia, however, recently made my point for me when they ordered Serbian schools in the Republika Srpska to eliminate offensive texts from their schoolbooks. The proscribed lists included old folk poems describing Serbian resistance to the brutal Turkish occupation; the World War I song “Tamo daleko,” which reminds the French and British of how they betrayed their Serbian allies and left them to the in their disastrous retreat to Corfu; and Ivo Andric’s masterpiece, The Bridge on the Drina.

Andric won the Nobel Prize largely on the strength of this book, which paints a sympathetic portrait of Bosnian Muslims in the period when the Turks were losing their empire. But sympathy and humanity are beside the point. The mere fact that Andric portrays Muslims as Muslims (or that Jim is black) is enough for the book-burners of the “international community,”

In a witty and forceful press conference. Prof Predrag Lazarevic pointed out that the attempt to censor textbooks in Serbian-controlled Bosnia is a violation of the Dayton Agreement, and he wondered what the French response would be if the European Union banned Balzac and Stendahl from French literature courses. As Islam becomes the dominant religion of France, however, that question will be entirely irrelevant.

Not everyone, you see, is ready to trade in his god and folk ballads for a Wendy’s franchise. In Kosovo, Mr. Clinton’s Air Force accomplished in a few weeks what the Turks failed to do in 500 years–the destruction of an ancient Christian civilization. Some U.N. bureaucrats-in-arms, who still cannot seem to get the point of the exercise, wonder why the Albanians —very armed and dangerous—refuse to get along with the few thousand Serbs in the province they have so far failed to kill. When a U.N. detachment adopted a stray dog back in November, they decided to name him UNMIK (short for U.N. Mission in Kosovo). Sam Bolton, the U.S. officer who takes care of UNMIK, told a Canadian reporter he was surprised when Albanians “came . . . to tell the UN police they had to kill the animal because the dog was Serbian.”

Although the Albanian narco-terrorists owe everything to the NATO countries who fought their dirty war for them, they have never made a secret of their desire for an ethnically pure state. If the Americans had read Mark Twain, they would not be so surprised. “If you pick up a starving dog and feed him, he will not bite you.” That, said old Mark, “is the principal difference between a dog and a man.”