Our elite political class has manipulated illegal immigration to entrench themselves in power and disenfranchise Americans.
Tag: Democratic Party
Importing Ancient Hatreds Undermines Liberty
Western nations that host large and growing Muslim populations are increasingly unstable.
The Specter Haunting America is Communism
Donald Trump has warned that we are dealing with “radical left Democrats,” “Marxist lunatics,” and “communists and fascists [who] think that they can control our glorious country.” We had better take him seriously.
Democrats Sliding Toward the Arab World
The leadership and members of the Democratic Party should stop lecturing and admonishing the Arab world about democracy and look in the mirror.
Assassination Mysteries
Candidates and the people, be in no doubt as to the seriousness of your position.
The ‘All the Smoke’ Presidential Candidate
Light one up as Kamala Harris and her interlocutors take us on a ride to the bottom of America’s political barrel.
How Donald Trump Can Win the Popular Vote
Trump’s chances of success in the popular vote tied to the GOP’s prospects of extending its House majority.
Why Jews Aren’t Joining Forces With the American Right
American Jews may be at unease with the growing acceptance of literal jihadis as a loyal Democratic client base, but they are certainly not turning to the right.
The Left’s Word Games Can’t Conceal ‘Third World’ Impact of Open Borders
The left wants to make an issue of Trump’s choice of words in calling what’s happened to our cities “Third World.” The issue is the loss of life caused by Harris’s open border.
Kamala Harris Has No Business in Politics
Former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown knew what he was doing when he dumped Kamala Harris. She’s not up to snuff.
‘Smurfing’ Is Corrupting American Elections
A widespread illegal campaign finance practice called “smurfing” steals the identities of small-dollar donors and uses them to mask repeat campaign contributions by the wealthy.
Trump’s Would-Be Assassin’s Explanation
If Democrats don’t weigh their words more carefully, more violence will follow from the likes of Ryan Routh.
Whistleblower Claims ABC News Colluded with Democrats in Debate Prep
Very little is known about the woman who could be elected president in November. ABC News appears to have colluded with Kamala Harris’s campaign to keep it that way.
Why Are the Nutjobs Trying to Kill Political Opponents All Left-Wingers?
The Left has had a violent streak going back at least as far as Karl Marx's calls for a global revolution of the proletariat—and the French Revolution even before that.
The Harris-Walz Cosplay Campaign: A Theater of the Absurd
Best get your tickets to the Harris-Walz cosplay campaign’s theater of the absurd. Their show closes in November.
RFK Jr.’s Masterpiece of Political Oratory
The former Democrat demonstrated what it takes to deliver a convincing and rousing political speech. The old and nearly lost art is due for a revival.
Yard Sign Disunity and Cognitive Dissonance
The Harris campaign of “joy and unity” might want to have a few words with its enthusiastic yard-sign-posting supporters.
United We Stand
In 2024 we see surprising alliances forming to oppose the corruption and tyranny of our government.
Democrats Fear RFK, Jr.
Anti-Kennedy lawfare from the Democrats may propel Harris into the White House.
Who Is that Masked Woman?
The Democrats, as the ideological heirs of leftist totalitarians, understand the utility of political masks and have deployed a number of them on behalf of Kamala Harris.
Elon Musk Leads Parade of Tech Titans Boosting Trump as the True ‘Freedom Candidate’
You don’t need AI to figure that Harris and the Democrats are bad for technology and innovation.
Tim Walz: Joker Clown
The Democratic nominee for vice president has a record of lies, exaggeration, and disgrace to match his bizarre mannerisms and behavior.
Debunking the ‘Plunging Border Crossings’ Narrative
The supposed miraculous deathbed conversion of the Biden administration on illegal immigration at the border is just more of the same shell game.
No One Is Buying It
The lies on display at the Democratic National Convention are too bold to believe.
Crime Could Be the Election’s Decisive Issue
Trump’s campaign should take a page from the successful 1988 campaign of George H.W. Bush and make the facts on crime stick to Harris and Walz.
The Chicago DNC Theme Was ‘Hope’—What About Chicagoans?
In a city where many kids cannot read and in a year when inflation is hitting poor urban families harder than almost anyone else, Democrats have the gall to talk about hope.
Michelle Obama’s Trauma
The former First Lady’s DNC speech lamenting the ways of America’s racist, sexist red staters confirmed that she is just a champagne socialist with no chance at or interest in being elected to higher office.
DNC Roundup: What Did I Just Watch?
Democratic conventions are usually filled with soaring rhetoric disguising the party’s extremism. This year’s trainwreck is what happens when a party has no idea what they are or why they’re here.
Republicans Should Focus on Harris Rather Than Walz
It is obvious why so many in the GOP are reluctant to attack Harris and, instead, focus their sites on Walz. They deeply fear being labeled racist and sexist for attacking a “woman of color.”
Kamala Harris—In Her Own Words
The lowlights of Kamala Harris’s political rhetoric are quite remarkable.
Donald Trump Has to Run Like It’s 2016 Again
Social media didn’t elect Trump in 2016, showing up in the flesh did. The contours of the election have shifted and that’s what Trump needs to do again to win in 2024.
Who Should Blacks Vote for in November?
If looking strictly at policies that best serve the interests of blacks, the electoral calculus may surprise. It’s not the party of the donkey or the elephant, but that of the porcupine.
Kamala Harris, Hollywood, and the ‘Aaron Sorkin Democrat’
Kamala Harris as the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee means the age of the Aaron Sorkin Democrat may have reached its end.
Parents Need to Reject Kamala and Tampon Tim
Parents who care about their children’s innocence and future, should not support Harris and her anti-parent running mate in November.
Josh Shapiro Has Nothing to Lose on a Harris Ticket
Though he presents himself as a competent moderate, the Pennsylvania governor won’t skip a beat in dancing to Kamala Harris’s radical tune.
Is Trump Running Against Harris—or Donald Trump?
Trump can regain the momentum he’s lost since the convention—but only if he defines Harris in voters’ minds, so he’s running directly against her, not his party, his allies and himself.
Trump Turns the Tide with Blunt Talk About Kamala’s Identity
The forbidden truth of the 2024 campaign is that Kamala Harris is an unqualified, race-hustling phony. Donald Trump is the only one with the courage to say it.
J.D. Vance and Childless Cat Ladies: Cue the Outrage
Every news cycle spent on castigating J.D. Vance for his “childless cat ladies” comment is one less news cycle spent on the outrageous radical beliefs of Vice President Kamala Harris.
The Left Belies Its Commitment to ‘Democracy’
The progressive base claims to abhor authoritarianism; in reality, it hungers not only to govern others, but to be governed.
Kamala Harris’s Fairness Issue
Progressive policies disadvantage white men threaten all men.
How to Debate Kamala Harris if You are Donald Trump
Trump is a hot media presence. He needs to become a cooler one, while instilling rational fear of Kamala Harris’s hard left views.
Do We Have Real Political Choices, or Is It All a ‘Uniparty’?
Claiming that all established political parties are essentially the same and that all apparent differences are fake makes it impossible to take advantage of opportunities to slow down the left.
The Politics of Enmity
America’s politics are now characterized by an enmity that expresses itself through violence.
Kamala Harris is a Bad Bet for Democrats
Harris has no excuses, no substance, and nothing recommending her other than convenience and enthusiasm for her race and gender among people who insisted until only a short time ago that Biden was perfectly fine. He wasn’t, and neither is she.
The Undemocratic Coup
In effect, the Democrats have successfully executed nothing short of a coup d’état, the first in American history.
Kamala Harris Is the Opponent Donald Trump Wants
Harris is running with Biden's record and Hillary Clinton's profile—not a winning combination, but one the party's bosses have decided to settle for.
Election Year Smoke and Mirrors Magic from the Left
A notable decline in the antics of far-left oddballs suggests they’ve received an order from on high to cool it.
An American Apotheosis
Donald Trump will not be remembered as his enemies wanted—a traitor and illegitimate president, a “convicted felon” whose time in the Oval Office was a mere mistake of history—but as an American legend destined for greatness.
Biden’s Disastrous Debate Won’t Shake the Faith of Those Who Trust the Mainstream Media
Americans who rely on the mainstream media will, from habit, either go on doing so or choose to believe that the newscasters and reporters were hoodwinked along with everyone else.
Are Republicans Ready for Biden’s Counterattack?
Republicans need to be wary about becoming complacent about their chances in November or adopting the Democrats' framework on rhetoric and violence lest they make a strength out of Biden’s mediocrity.