Tag: Ibram X. Kendi

Home Ibram X. Kendi
anti-white gurus

The Hate That Dare Not Speak Its Name

The grand strategy of the Democratic Party has become to exploit the growing diversity of the American electorate to construct a Coalition of the Fringes. One result has been the cultural acceptance of anti-white racism.

Why Lenin Is No Longer Relevant

Why Lenin Is No Longer Relevant

Today’s woke leftists would find the Soviet dictator far too muscular and manly to make room for him in their pantheon of girly government apparatchiks and petty tyrants.

Why Wokeism Is Not Marxist

Why Wokeism Is Not Marxist

At present, it is not a Marxian anti-capitalist left that most threatens our society. It is a wokeism perfectly happy to consolidate progressive business monopolies with massive economic power over individual lives.

From MLK to CRT

From MLK to CRT

Martin Luther King cannot be retrofitted as a conservative. He was at heart an activist of the left, and his ideas were in large part a precursor to critical race theory.