The once-docile German people no longer trust their political establishment to deal rationally with immigration and crime. A growing people’s revolt in Europe may be a sign of things to come in America.
Tag: Olaf Scholz
Olaf Scholz
June 10, 2024June 10, 2024Web
A Report from Europe: There is Hope
A quiet majority of Europeans who do not cherish self-annihilation are waking up.
March 1, 2024March 25, 2024Editorials
Germany’s Anti-Fascist Hysteria
Germans who protest their government's liberal immigration policy will see the ruling leftist bloc—media included—pull out all stops to silence, smear, and bully them.
August 1, 2022September 12, 2022Columns, The American Interest
NATO’s Road to Perdition
NATO's recent Madrid Summit reveals a hardening, monolithic West that is likely soon to be challenged by a rising China and a multipolar world.
June 28, 2022June 28, 2022Web
Cracks in the Narrative on Ukraine
Recent statements by Germany's foreign policy adviser, Jens Plotner, have exposed a general weakening of the narrative that asserts a perfectly monolithic Western world, rock-solid in its determination to punish Russia.