Category: Editorials

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CalPERS, left-wing high-low coalition, illegal immigrants, Ronald Reagan, Richard Nixon, Bob Dornan, Gavin Newsom, Kamala Harris, California, Sacremento, San Diego, Orange County,

Up in Smoke

As so much of California lies in ruin many wonder whether the Golden State has finally had enough of the ideological incontinence that has brought it so low. Anything is possible in the Trump era!

debate-o-rama, Election 2024, Kamala Harris, Donald Trump, David Muir, abortion, illegal immigration


The wild rhetoric of Harris and Trump in their epic debate-o-mania should be compared with a general ledger of political actions. Election '24 needs an accountant!

A Deserved Death Denied

A Deserved Death Denied

A new plea deal spares the life of three surviving masterminds of the 9/11 terrorist attack. It's indicative of our legal system’s refusal to mete out fitting punishment for even the most vile criminals.

Victoria Nuland gives Russia-Ukraine War briefing

Nuland, We Hardly Knew Ye

The arch-neoconservative Victoria Nuland resigned from the State Department last week, after a long career of fomenting nearly every U.S. foreign policy debacle—most especially Ukraine's losing war with Russia.

Exodus 90: The Other Side of Feminism

Exodus 90: The Other Side of Feminism

Catholic macho-man influencers tell men to "man up" and fix themselves and their marriages through self-mortification. By contrast, Catholic ladies are told to indulge themselves and "discover their dignity." There is something wrong here.

Nikki’s Lost Cause

Nikki’s Lost Cause

The hysterical response to Nikki Haley's Civil War comment simply shows that one is not allowed to contradict the narratives of our media betters or their interpretations of reality.

The MAGA Saga Must Play Out

The MAGA Saga Must Play Out

The Trump saga will, and must, play out. Those who see themselves in his battle with the powerful, who see their troubles mirrored in his struggles, will not be denied.

Letting Paris Burn

Letting Paris Burn

France is reaping the harvest of disastrous immigration and economic policies. Rather than advocating for an unlikely restoration of order in Paris and other riot-prone Western cities, conservatives should steel themselves to wait patiently for collapse.

The Future Past

The Future Past

Archeofuturism, a concept that arose on the French New Right in the 1970s, charts a path toward a rebirth of tradition amid a future convulsed by technological change.

A Midwestern Morass

A Midwestern Morass

Now that they hold the levers of power by a slim majority, Minnesota Democrats are cramming far-left bills through the legislature, showing what an assertive American left is willing to force upon its minority conservative population.

The Hitler of Legend

The Hitler of Legend

Contrary to the standard view of historians, Hitler was not a conservative with pre-World War I aristocratic values, but a radical revolutionary who upended the traditional German power structure.

On Unjust Peace

On Unjust Peace

The Ukrainian invasion may not have happened if the American government had not tried to push NATO to the borders of Russia. Conflict happens in international relations and does not require woke ideological hysteria as a response.

Are We the Baddies?

Are We the Baddies?

It appears the U.S. government has attacked the civilian infrastructure of a NATO ally for the purposes of maintaining geostrategic advantage over both Europe and Russia, revealing the utter moral bankruptcy of U.S. foreign policy.

Conservative Gatekeeping

Conservative Gatekeeping

Conservatism Inc. has a long history of purging undesirables who challenge its party lines, but those in charge of the movement typically hide this practice.

Three Cheers for the Twenty

Three Cheers for the Twenty

In early January, 20 Republicans in the House of Representatives stood up to their Party’s corrupt leadership and forced the adoption of rule changes that will benefit Americans and restrict the activities of Washington’s bipartisan deep state.

Going Monthly

Going Monthly

Despite the oppressive grip of the left on opinion-making media, Chronicles succeeded in its early years and celebrated its success by increasing its frequency to a monthly magazine.

A Midterm Reality Check

A Midterm Reality Check

With the Georgia runoff results in, the midterms represent a remarkable achievement for the Democratic Party. They've held their own despite failing grades in all polls on inflation, crime, foreign policy, and immigration, and a mostly senile president.

The Trump Train Rides Again

The Trump Train Rides Again

Donald Trump's announcement speech for his 2024 presidential bid raised more questions than answers about what he did or did not learn as an executive in his first term.

Monuments Matter

Monuments Matter

The impending removal of Moses Ezekiel’s magnificent monument from Arlington National Cemetery follows well-laid out guidelines for obliterating the non-woke past everywhere in the culturally revolutionized West.

Reasonable Paranoia

Reasonable Paranoia

The “conspiracy theorist” moniker has long been the left’s preferred label to shut down anyone who notices what they’re up to.

The Mortality Spike

The Mortality Spike

In many countries, including the United States, there was a sharp rise in mortality, especially among the younger population, after the widespread rollout of COVID-19 vaccines.

Conversion, Celebrity Style

Conversion, Celebrity Style

Celebrities like Shia LaBeouf who come to traditional Catholicism with hat in hand during difficult times attest to the deep draw of that spiritual tradition and to its increasing influence in American culture.

FDA Fraud Unfolding

FDA Fraud Unfolding

The court-ordered release of Pfizer's COVID vaccine documentation reveals disturbing data about the safety of the shot for pregnant and nursing women and for their babies.

Electoral Franchise Blues

Electoral Franchise Blues

If you want to create and preserve a constitutional republic, you must be careful about who gets to vote. Once this sacred right is granted, it can never be withdrawn.