The reopening of the great cathedral, Notre-Dame de Paris, is a great reminder of the achievements of Western civilization and our potential to live up to them.
Tag: France
A Tale of Two Elections
Despite a surge of popular support for right-wing parties in Britain and France, this summer's elections ended with an effective containment of the right that will last for years to come.
A Report from Europe: There is Hope
A quiet majority of Europeans who do not cherish self-annihilation are waking up.
The Spring of the West’s Disorder
A series of unfortunate events this spring have revealed a West that does not respect itself and, therefore, cannot command the respect of others.
Europa Delenda Est?
Europe as we knew it is far away, and it will not come back.
A Post-Riot Letter from France: A Tense Bastille Day
The targeted burning of France's public schools and libraries in its latest riots shows that the rejection of French education and culture by Muslim immigrants has become overt and systematic. France is a nation shattering into ghettos.
Letting Paris Burn
France is reaping the harvest of disastrous immigration and economic policies. Rather than advocating for an unlikely restoration of order in Paris and other riot-prone Western cities, conservatives should steel themselves to wait patiently for collapse.
Curing Cultural Amnesia
Wokeism has spread widely, but wokeism’s triumph is not irreversible. Indeed, the necessary first step of subverting wokeism may well be the sufficient final step as well.