Author: Daniel McCarthy (Daniel McCarthy)

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We’ll Get Him Next Time

After two years and tens of millions of dollars, the Mueller investigation ended in a shattering anticlimax for Democrats.  On March 22, Special Counsel Robert Mueller sent Attorney General William Barr his report, and Barr promptly informed Congress that Mueller found no collusion between Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign and Russia.  Mueller recommended no prosecutions—though Barr’s...


Ideologies and Priorities

Now here’s a headline: “Blackface, sexual assault scandals don’t appear to have tarnished Virginia’s image,” the Washington Post declared on March 3.  The story referred to controversies surrounding each of the commonwealth’s three top statewide officials—all of them Democrats.  Gov. Ralph Northam came under pressure to resign after the conservative website Big League Politics discovered...


The Belligerent Advantage of Congress

The way foreign-policy mavens in Washington, D.C., talk about Afghanistan, you would think that country had successfully launched a ballistic-missile attack against us on 9/11.  We have occupied Afghanistan for over 17 years now, but still we cannot leave because the Taliban could then return to power and once again grant haven to terrorists who...


AOC and GOP Suicide

As the new Congress was sworn in early in January, the Republican Party unveiled a plan for its own assisted suicide.  In fact, Mitt Romney got started before he was even seated as the latest senator from Utah.  On January 1, he published an op-ed in the Washington Post in which he accused President Trump...

A Foreign-Policy Quagmire

A Foreign-Policy Quagmire

Foreign policy has been a stumbling block to Democrats for fully 50 years now.  In 1968, the party of Lyndon Johnson was the party of the Vietnam War, and replacing Johnson with Hubert Humphrey at the top of the ticket that November was not enough to get Americans to give the Democrats four more years...


Middle Eastern Blood and Dirt

For over three years Saudi Arabia has been fighting a war in Yemen with little regard for civilian suffering.  The war itself has been deadly for thousands of bystanders, but far worse has been the famine the conflict has brought about, which has killed some 50,000 people already and has the potential to kill millions. ...


Cradle of Empire

As of October, the U.S. has been fighting a war in Afghanistan for fully 17 years.  Young men who were not even born when the war started are now almost of an age to serve and be deployed.  And if that’s the case with our forces, you can just imagine how many of today’s Taliban...


No Free Ride for Bezos Socialism

Imagine an economic system in which government pays the wages of workers, but the businesses where they work remain privately owned, and profits accrue to the owners.  Could this fairly be called free-market capitalism?  It sounds more like socialism, even Soviet-style communism: Workers are maintained at public expense, while the commissars line their own pockets. ...


Steeling Ourselves for the Future

Many a new genre of journalism has sprung up thanks to President Trump.  The latest is the “victims of tariffs” industry profile.  As the Trump administration slaps tariffs on foreign steel, aluminum, and manufactured goods of various kinds, trading partners—i.e., rivals—such as China and Mexico are imposing retaliatory tariffs of their own.  The problem for...


The Libertarian Trajectory

NeverTrump really means “forever war.”  Proof of this could be seen in the 2016 election, where anti-Trump Republicans fielded a candidate of their own, ex-CIA man Evan McMullin, rather than casting their votes for a third-party ticket with two non-Trump Republicans on it.  That ticket was the Libertarian Party’s, with former New Mexico governor Gary...

Faith Whittlesey, R.I.P.

Faith Whittlesey, R.I.P.

The mice had a problem with Faith Whittlesey.  These mice were not the four-legged kind; they were Chief of Staff Donald Regan’s functionaries in the Reagan White House, scurrying around and gnawing away at conservative policy efforts.  Faith was Reagan’s director of the Office of Public Liaison, and she was not just a conservative but...


Calling the Deomocrats’ Bluff

Rep. Adam Schiff knows something about impeachment.  The California Democrat first won his seat in Congress in 2000, when he defeated a Republican incumbent, James Rogan, who two years earlier had been one of the “managers” acting for the House of Representatives in the Senate’s impeachment trial of President Bill Clinton.  Now Schiff is the...


GOP National Stage Fright

Democrats are feeling overconfident.  They won a hard-fought special election in Pennsylvania’s 18th Congressional District in early March, then saw over a million people take to the streets in cities across the country to march for gun control some two weeks later.  Both are taken as signs of progressives’ organizational prowess and battle-ready morale.  Left-leaning...


Tariffs and Delusions

Lenin may or may not have said that the capitalists would sell him the rope by which he would hang them, but the proverb is assigned to him for good reason.  Any revolutionary who dreams of destroying the free-enterprise system can count on a valuable ally within the system itself, in the form of the...

An Honest Reckoning

An Honest Reckoning

John le Carré could hardly imagine a better scenario: a spy-for-hire—once a servant of Her Majesty’s government, now selling his services in a foreign market—takes payouts from two masters simultaneously, as both a police informant and a political dirty-tricks man.  He feeds political intelligence to the police, who use that innuendo to justify covert surveillance...

Shoes to Fill

Shoes to Fill

America is a nation of normal people who find themselves thrust into increasingly abnormal situations.  Left-wing ideologues want to take a country of families, churches, and businesses and turn it into a playpen of radical identities.  This is to be done in the name of fighting oppression, where apparently the most oppressive thing of all...


Politicians #NeverLearn

Donald Trump’s first year as President is drawing to a close, and it’s been rough.  The Republican Congress proved unequal to the task of repealing Obama Care.  The border wall hasn’t been built.  The administration is packed with generals and hawkish ideologues who push the President toward foreign intervention.  A special prosecutor stalks the land,...


The Politics of Peace

Step by step America is being primed for war with Iran.  President Trump has not actually torn up the “Iran deal”—the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action that is supposed to defer the day the Islamic Republic might seek a nuclear weapon—but he “decertified” it in October, and his administration is under constant pressure from the...


The Terminal Playboy

When he died on September 27 at the age of 91, Hugh Hefner was no playboy.  He was an old man trapped in what amounted to a factory, surrounded by silicone, plastic, and hydrogen compounds.  Playboy’s circulation had peaked 45 years earlier with its November 1972 issue.  Even before then, Hef’s magazine had long ceded...


Needed: Hands and Nerves

Decades before Donald Trump vanquished Hillary Clinton, Pat Buchanan heralded the themes that would put Trump in the White House.  Yet despite all that lead time, Trump’s victory was still in one sense premature.  In the interval between Buchanan’s presidential bids in the 1990’s and Trump’s victory last November, the Republican Party paid little heed...


Nothing in the Middle

Have you noticed?  Newspapers and television channels across the land have discovered a new kind of human-interest story: the business-owning, family-man illegal immigrant who gets deported after living in this country for decades as a productive noncitizen.  CNN’s website headlined the story of one Joel Colindres, “This is the face of deportation: A dad with...


Losers Double Down

The party of Hillary Clinton has not stopped losing since last November.  This fact is easily overlooked amid all of President Trump’s bad press, but Democrats have reliably come up short in special elections from Montana to Kansas to suburban Atlanta.  Jon Ossoff, the Democrat running in Georgia’s Sixth District, raised over $23 million by...


Desperate NeverTrumpers and the Constitution

A year ago the op-ed writers who present themselves as tutors to the nation insisted that Donald Trump could not and would not become president.  Progressive pundits were certain of this—after all, they didn’t know anyone who was voting for him.  The Republican wing of the commentariat, however, was equally sure that Trump would fail:...

Progress Amid the Chaos

Progress Amid the Chaos

The foreign policy of the Trump administration remains a mass of contradictions, with the White House evidently divided among nationalists, pragmatists, and certain advisors who prescribe an ever expanding hegemony.  These rivals have clashed in recent weeks over the question of sending a surge of U.S. troops into Afghanistan—some 5,000 more to supplement the 8,400...


Brinkmen Kim and Trump

Contrary to what John McCain and others in Washington are saying, North Korea’s nuclear program is not a “Cuban missile crisis in slow motion.”  Nor does tough talk from President Trump mean he’s about to launch preemptive strikes against Kim Jong-un.  Where would be the profit in that?  North Korea is not a cripple like...

No Place for Humanity: Our Free-Chosen Dystopia

No Place for Humanity: Our Free-Chosen Dystopia

By the time of Donald Trump’s inauguration, George Orwell was at the top of’s best-seller list.  Readers had developed a sudden passion for antitotalitarian literature, it seemed—not only for Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four but for Hannah Arendt’s Origins of Totalitarianism as well.  And with the surge of interest in Orwell came a sales revival for...


Donald Trump’s War—Or Sound and Fury?

Donald Trump’s decision to launch cruise missiles against a Syrian airbase last week has drawn deserved condemnation from his supporters—and won him strange new respect from John McCain and the mainstream media. Soon after the attack, the progressive media watchdog FAIR counted 18 op-eds in the New York Times, Washington Post, USA Today, Wall Street...

The Politics of Life—and Politics

The Politics of Life—and Politics

“If a woman of her own accord drops that which is in her, they shall crucify her and not bury her.” —The Assyrian Code, c. 2000 B.C. Ancient history is worth keeping in mind when confronting the claims of the pro- and anti-abortion and euthanasia camps, since both tend to couch their arguments in terms...

Right Deserves Might

Right Deserves Might

“A combination of St. Paul and St. Vitus.” —Ascribed to John Morley The world could use a few more volumes devoted to Grover Cleveland; it has little need for more books about Theodore Roosevelt.  But if more there must be, at least the two under consideration here explore terrain not yet strip-mined.  Patricia O’Toole begins...

Enemies Right and Left

Enemies Right and Left

“Liberalism is too often merely a way of speaking.” —Oscar I. Janowsky Until the day he died in April 1964, John T. Flynn insisted that he was a liberal. Once, that self-designation had not been controversial. This was a man who, as a member of the New York City Board of Higher Education in the...

Progress in the Sands

Progress in the Sands

“The mission of the United States is one of benevolent assimilation.” —William McKinley What sets Sands of Empire apart from the growing list of books scrutinizing the Bush administration’s foreign policy is its philosophical ambition.  Where other authors have contented themselves with estimating the neoconservative influence on America’s strategic posture or describing the nation’s slouch...

Rule Columbia!

Rule Columbia!

“The Empire is peace.” —Napoleon III If the publishing industry has played any part in the supposed recent economic revival, it can, perhaps, thank George W. Bush.  The President’s foreign policy has made it possible to sell thousands of books with the words empire or imperial in the title.  Indeed, it sometimes seems as if...