Author: Mark Pulliam (Mark Pulliam)

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lawfare, Donald Trump, 34 counts, Hush Money, rigged court proceeding, Judge Merchan, rigged trial

Slouching Towards the Gulag

The Trump “hush money” verdict should serve as a wake-up call to all freedom-loving Americans. If the best-known man in the world can be railroaded in a rigged kangaroo court, any of us could be.

Stan Evans: Unsung Hero of the Right

Stan Evans: Unsung Hero of the Right

Despite his significant contributions to the post-WWII right in America, M. Stanton Evans is not as well-known as his many accomplishments warrant. Steven Hayward's new biography sets the record straight.

How Republican Supreme Court Justices Gave Us Affirmative Action

How Republican Supreme Court Justices Gave Us Affirmative Action

A Dubious Expediency: How Race Preferences Damage Higher Education   ed. by Gail Heriot and Maimon Schwarzchild  Encounter Books 336 pp., $28.99   Scholars increasingly treat the issue of race with kid gloves. As the cancel culture accelerates, race—always a sensitive topic—has become nearly taboo. Any serious exploration of the correlation of intelligence and race is...

Faux Originalism

Faux Originalism

Is Antonin Scalia’s originalism—indeed, constitutional self-government itself—passé? The eternal temptation to read one’s own values into the Constitution beguiles even religious conservatives espousing natural law. The U.S. Constitution is the “supreme law of the land,” whose ultimate interpretation is entrusted, by longstanding custom if not by explicit textual direction, to the U.S. Supreme Court. Accordingly,...