Author: Paul Gottfried (Paul Gottfried)

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Immoral Cultural Arbiters

Immoral Cultural Arbiters

America’s culture is damaged not so much by the low standards of the entertainment industry as it is by the calculated strategy of anointing these vandals as moral authorities.

The Censorious American Right

The Censorious American Right

The trick of identifying those on the uncooperative right as being “woke right” or leftists in disguise is deployed for no other reason than to keep us out of the conversation.

Alfonso XIII of Spain, Miklós Horthy, Franco, Portugal, Albania, Bavaria, Kings, Queens, and Fallen Monarchies: Royal Dynasties in Interwar Europe, crimen de sangre, Reichskanzler, Hitler: Eine politische Biographie,

Righting History

Three new books set the record straight on European monarchy, Franco's Spain, and Hitler's ascent to power. Revisionists often get it wrong, but these three get it right!

What’s In a Name?

What’s In a Name?

Commentators and politicians on both the left and the right engage in sloppy and imprecise usage of the terms “fascist” and “Communist.”

Abortion Is Not Really the Issue

Abortion Is Not Really the Issue

There is something completely irrational about the United States’ perpetually aggrieved female voters. Trying to appease this demographic is an exercise in futility.

Impractical Separation

Impractical Separation

An interesting debate on the right concerning the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution neglects to consider that the founder’s Constitution may no longer be our framework of government.

Grounds for Suspicion

Grounds for Suspicion

Republican voters have every right to assume bad faith from Democrats and their vote-counters, who have unscrupulously tried to increase their party’s power while behaving unethically toward electoral opponents.

The Trump of Myth and Legend

The Trump of Myth and Legend

There is no need to compare Trump to some biblical hero or a mythic savior in order to state one’s agreement with one or more of his stated policies.

From Immigrant to Public Intellectual, The Classical and Christian Origins of American Politics

Books in Brief: February 2024

Short reviews of From Immigrant to Public Intellectual, by Murray Sabrin, and The Classical and Christian Origins of American Politics, by Kody Cooper and Justin Dyer.