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Claudine Gay, Harvard, elite

Harvard Still Hates America

A more thorough congressional investigation into all the problems Harvard and other elite colleges cause the American people is needed. These elite schools consistently exhibit contempt for normal Americans.

California black reparations protest

California’s Own Reparations

California is at the forefront of the plan to grant reparations to blacks for slavery and discrimination. The state's published plan to pay up to $800 billion makes no sense, especially since California entered the Union as a free state.

The Voice of God No More

The Voice of God No More

The invasion of Dodger Stadium may mark the peak of public tolerance for all things LGBTQ+. Reaching this low point was the inevitable result of Americans discarding all guiding principles other than unfettered personal autonomy and absolute equality.

The Wheel and War

The Wheel and War

We may long for the romantic and heroic days when acts of military derring-do were performed by Medal of Honor recipients, but it looks like the future belongs to the ugly, impersonal, and utilitarian.

Russia Blues

Russia Blues

The Ukrainian campaign is not just the fight to retain strategic depth along Russia’s vulnerable southwestern flank; it is also the struggle to retain its status as a great pow­er. The Biden administration is now more than ready for reckless escalation, a deadly game of chicken with nuclear stakes. The future is dark.

Familiarity Breeds Contempt

Familiarity Breeds Contempt

Creating a sense of moral obligation to outsiders is one of Christianity’s singular achievements. But the full genius of historical Christianity was shown by its ability to do this without falling into a suicidal universalism.