A more thorough congressional investigation into all the problems Harvard and other elite colleges cause the American people is needed. These elite schools consistently exhibit contempt for normal Americans.
Category: Columns
The Struggle for the Gate of Tears
Houthi attacks on Israeli allied vessels in the Bab-el-Mandeb Strait are disrupting the world economy and prompting the U.S. to intervene. Known as "The Gate of Tears," this strait is the gateway for much of the world's commerce.
A Lunch for would-be Uxoricides
Claus von Bülow once hosted a small lunch with several accused wife killers, and yours truly. It was a memorable luncheon!
Dostoevsky, Putin, and the Russian Soul
The writings of Fyodor Dostoevsky provide a window into the soul of Russia and the soul of Vladimir Putin. His writings are Russia's national consciousness put to paper.
The Marine Corps’ Answer to James Bond
Legionnaire, Spy, and Marine Colonel Peter Ortiz is unknown today, but his daring exploits during WWII are incredible.
Two Nations, Talking Past Each Other
Ron DeSantis succeeded, not only in vanquishing Gavin Newsome in debate, but more importantly in illustrating the wide gulf between the elite ruling class and ordinary Americans.
‘Authoritarianism’ Is the Least of Our Problems
Donald Trump is not brining authoritarianism to America in '24. If anything, Trump is a victim, not a perpetrator, of authoritarian chicanery.
A Very Special Ally
America’s political class is far more zealous about defending Israel than it is about defending America.
The Victimhood Manifesto
Instead of treating mentally ill Audrey Elizabeth Hale, society told her she was a victim and, thereby, fed her delusions. There were dire consequences.
Living in Interesting Times
The public discourse in both hemispheres seems to be legitimizing the coming of World War III. These are interesting—if not terrifying—times.
Sympathy for Palestinian Misery
The October 7 attacks by Hamas were not justified, but neither was the Israeli response. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has changed little since I first witnessed it 40 years ago.
Bring Me Their Scalps!
The common notion that white settlers invented scalping is nonsense.
A Mortal Superhero
The Dial of Destiny is a genial meditation on the mortality of its hero, the demise of Europe, and, unfortunately, the mortal decline of its lead actor, Mr. Ford.
The Fall of Rome All Over Again
The great American Empire is collapsing, like Rome before it, but not for the reasons our academic elites give.
Konstantin Chernenko Lives Here
The last thing Middle America needs is an American Chernenko. America cannot afford a dying leader at this time.
The Hobbes Horror
Life within late-stage American Empire is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.
California Dreaming
Pedro Gonzalez reflects on the rapid decline and potential comeback of his home state—California.
I’ve Become Anti-American
If I sound like Jane Fonda circa 1968 when talking about America these days, it's because our media and politicians have turned Uncle Sam into a monster.
The New Middle East Strategic Landscape
Without U.S. engagement the Middle East is assuming peace and stability as a new balance of power quickly develops.
Crime’s Black Adhesive
Sterling Hayden was as an actor and soldier, he had the resolution to make his participation in his films and his career more than well-earned.
California’s Own Reparations
California is at the forefront of the plan to grant reparations to blacks for slavery and discrimination. The state's published plan to pay up to $800 billion makes no sense, especially since California entered the Union as a free state.
The New Lingua Franca
The inability to speak well was once upon a time a great hurdle to overcome. But in today’s schools, pupils are taught that speaking properly is elitist, snobby, and not with the times.
Kissinger in China
Henry Kissinger’s fears and misgivings about the future of U.S.-Chinese relations may prove just as prophetic as George Kennan's warnings about Russia and NATO expansion.
Vivek Ramaswamy and Conservative Victimhood
Vivek Ramaswamy once condemned conservative victimhood, especially Trump's Jan. 6 narrative. Now he's indulging it, in order to cultivate Trump supporters.
Black Lives Matter’s Billions
The flames that swept through our cities in 2020 may have subsided, but the individuals and the institutions that fanned them haven’t gone away.
The Russian Conundrum
It is in the American interest to avoid the risk of direct intervention in Ukraine regardless of the course of the war because neither the security nor the prosperity of the United States depends upon its outcome.
Run, Bobby, Run
Joe Biden shouldn't write off Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Sailing Ships and Troubled Waters
The ship captain as Nietzschean superman, in the 1941 film adaptation of Jack London's The Sea Wolf
Silicon Valley God Complex
Elite freaks have a tendency to try to set themselves up as the Almighty.
The Voice of God No More
The invasion of Dodger Stadium may mark the peak of public tolerance for all things LGBTQ+. Reaching this low point was the inevitable result of Americans discarding all guiding principles other than unfettered personal autonomy and absolute equality.
The Wheel and War
We may long for the romantic and heroic days when acts of military derring-do were performed by Medal of Honor recipients, but it looks like the future belongs to the ugly, impersonal, and utilitarian.
Blinken, the Posthuman Diplomat
Antony Blinken is an inherently corrupt Washington insider: he is an ideologue who seeks permanent cultural revolution at home and the imposition of its fruits abroad.
The Voice That Won’t Be Silenced
Tucker Carlson's voice is too important to silence because he speaks for so many people.
Curing Cultural Amnesia
Wokeism has spread widely, but wokeism’s triumph is not irreversible. Indeed, the necessary first step of subverting wokeism may well be the sufficient final step as well.
The Shameless Son
Jared Kushner should be ashamed of himself for his blatant, unfathomable, and utterly unacceptable profiteering from his father-in-law’s presidency. But shame is a word unknown to the 45th president’s son-in-law.
The Trans Specter in the C-Suite
The enemies of conservatives are in America’s boardrooms, where executives form the driving force of progressive causes in the United States today and have been doing so for some time.
A Cabin and a Kiss
A bizarre twist on an old apocalyptic tale.
Russia Blues
The Ukrainian campaign is not just the fight to retain strategic depth along Russia’s vulnerable southwestern flank; it is also the struggle to retain its status as a great power. The Biden administration is now more than ready for reckless escalation, a deadly game of chicken with nuclear stakes. The future is dark.
A Troublesome Trio
Reviews of films "Sharper," "The Whale," and a revisit of 1969's "The Reckoning." Despite some deficiencies, each has something to recommend itself.
Exploits of the Noble Savage
Modern grievances are, at heart, about competition for resources, prestige, and power. All that has changed are the myths used to mask the claims and obscure reality.
The Swiss Dream
Swiss people are sovereign in a way the people of France, Britain, Germany and the United States are not.
Ireland’s Forgotten Genocide
Despite much handwringing about British colonial misdeeds in Africa and the Caribbean, the systematic, purposeful extermination of more than a million Irish during the potato famine of the 19th century gets little attention.
Europe Diminished
The foreign policy consensus between Europe and the U.S. leads only to unnecessary new wars abroad and to the suicide pact of multiculturalism at home.
Familiarity Breeds Contempt
Creating a sense of moral obligation to outsiders is one of Christianity’s singular achievements. But the full genius of historical Christianity was shown by its ability to do this without falling into a suicidal universalism.
The Myth of Draconianism
Punishment has become a bad word, but it shouldn’t be.
Auf Wiedersehen, America
The America of today gives the impression she is resigned to her decline and weary of her values—not least of which is too much freedom for criminals to enjoy equal rights with the rest of us.
Uncertain Endgame in Ukraine
The war in Ukraine was started by Russia, but it was willed, engineered and choreographed by the U.S.-led West. It is both a mistake and a crime, a minus-sum game for the declining European remnant.
Dining With Danger
Along with death, crap is the great equalizer. And traditionally, satirists make a point of not being fastidious.
Modi and the Art of Realpolitik
India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi is an unabashed realist who has been using the crisis between Russia and the collective West to increase his country’s global clout.
Fake Indians
Promoting oneself as an American Indian, even when it's not true, can be a career enhancer ... until the lie is exposed.