Category: Editorials

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The Voice of Democracy

“Democracy Dies in Darkness,” declares the Washington Post.  With apologies to Alexis de Tocqueville, I reply: Doesn’t something have to live first before it can die? There is one great advantage to the ongoing, interminable, and farcical “Russia investigation” that grips the Establishment and those who choose to be entertained daily by America’s mass media. ...

The Death Penalty Is Good

The Death Penalty Is Good

Pope Francis is wrong to change the Catechism of the Catholic Church to suit his postmodern, antibiblical leanings, making capital punishment utterly “inadmissible” in civil society, like hearsay evidence in court. Pegging his new teaching on the “inviolability and dignity of the person,” he has offended decent people by blaspheming against the Bible, calling evil...


Teddy Rebel in Portland

The political establishment in California has become self-admittedly secessionist in recent months, rebelling specifically against federal immigration policy and more broadly by raising the possibility of leaving a backward and reactionary country that does not share its culture and its politics.  The secessionist spirit is spreading on the left and in leftist portions of the...


Steeling Ourselves for the Future

Many a new genre of journalism has sprung up thanks to President Trump.  The latest is the “victims of tariffs” industry profile.  As the Trump administration slaps tariffs on foreign steel, aluminum, and manufactured goods of various kinds, trading partners—i.e., rivals—such as China and Mexico are imposing retaliatory tariffs of their own.  The problem for...

Kavanaugh and the Roe Dance

Kavanaugh and the Roe Dance

Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination by President Trump for the blessed vacancy left by retiring justice Anthony Kennedy, author of the civilization-defying Obergefell opinion, supplied the heat necessary to cause the vaunted American melting pot to boil over and reveal its rancid contents.  Those contents included the innocent limbs and brains of David Daleiden videos, eagerly devoured...


The Partisans Are Coming!

The Referendum that took Great Britain out of the European Union by a large popular majority occurred two years ago.  President Trump was elected two years ago this coming November in something like a landslide in the Electoral College.  Marine Le Pen’s Front National (since renamed the Rassemblement National) won a third of the popular...


The Libertarian Trajectory

NeverTrump really means “forever war.”  Proof of this could be seen in the 2016 election, where anti-Trump Republicans fielded a candidate of their own, ex-CIA man Evan McMullin, rather than casting their votes for a third-party ticket with two non-Trump Republicans on it.  That ticket was the Libertarian Party’s, with former New Mexico governor Gary...

Immigration and the GOP (Again!)

Immigration and the GOP (Again!)

The Republican candidate for President of the United States in 2016 made major immigration restriction the broadest and thickest plank in his platform.  That candidate went on to defeat 16 other GOP candidates, all of them to a greater or lesser degree pro-immigration.  (The difference in degree largely corresponded with the candidate’s honesty, or dishonesty,...

Faith Whittlesey, R.I.P.

Faith Whittlesey, R.I.P.

The mice had a problem with Faith Whittlesey.  These mice were not the four-legged kind; they were Chief of Staff Donald Regan’s functionaries in the Reagan White House, scurrying around and gnawing away at conservative policy efforts.  Faith was Reagan’s director of the Office of Public Liaison, and she was not just a conservative but...

Tom Wolfe, R.I.P.

Tom Wolfe, R.I.P.

When Tom Wolfe’s debut novel, The Bonfire of the Vanities, was published in November 1987, the book was greeted with effusive praise and became a best-seller, although some literati seemed offended by Wolfe’s highly descriptive prose, the hyperbole, exuberant punctuation, and occasional sound effects.  After film rights were sold for $750,000 that winter to Peter...


Iran and Nuclear Hubris

The “Iran Nuclear Deal” was killed by President Trump on May 8, which came as no surprise to anyone who had heard a Trump campaign speech in 2016 or to those who were aware that Trump had recently hired John Bolton and Mike Pompeo.  Surprise or not, it was an imprudent move. Ever since the...


Going in the Wrong Direction

Of the more than 1,000 migrants from Central America who set out in “caravan” to traverse the length of Mexico to seek asylum in the United States, a couple of hundred arrived at Tijuana on the American border.  As of this writing, only ten remain on the Mexican side of the line, the rest having...


Calling the Deomocrats’ Bluff

Rep. Adam Schiff knows something about impeachment.  The California Democrat first won his seat in Congress in 2000, when he defeated a Republican incumbent, James Rogan, who two years earlier had been one of the “managers” acting for the House of Representatives in the Senate’s impeachment trial of President Bill Clinton.  Now Schiff is the...


Our Sanctuary Census

Paroxysms of liberal outrage gripped denizens of the Swamp when the Commerce Department announced that it plans to find out the citizenship status of U.S. residents by asking them directly via the 2020 Census and the U.S. Mail.  And as with every Census form, “Your response is required by law.”  The addition of the question...


The Logic of Liberalism

Writing in this issue of Chronicles, Frank Brownlow, the scholar and literary critic, quotes W.H. Auden as having described logic as “a condition of the world,” like aesthetics and ethics.  Auden was right, which makes advanced liberalism’s rejection of logic so dangerous. Five nights a week on FOX News, week after week, Tucker Carlson in...


All Against Russia

On any subject other than Russia, unanimity between the United States and her European “allies” has been impossible to achieve since Donald Trump was sworn in as President.  The unsolved poisoning in the cathedral town of Salisbury, England, of a former Russian double agent—exchanged eight years ago in a spy-swap with the U.K.—and his daughter,...


GOP National Stage Fright

Democrats are feeling overconfident.  They won a hard-fought special election in Pennsylvania’s 18th Congressional District in early March, then saw over a million people take to the streets in cities across the country to march for gun control some two weeks later.  Both are taken as signs of progressives’ organizational prowess and battle-ready morale.  Left-leaning...


America’s Death Wish

Parkland, Florida, came and went, bringing a new St. Valentine’s Day massacre, another unspeakable horror, and another opportunity for hashtags and political maneuvering over guns in America.  It very quickly became obvious that liberal activists had prepared and somewhat organized a campaign against the National Rifle Association ahead of time, waiting for the next mass...


The Second Risorgimento

The national Italian elections so feared by Brussels, European liberals, and other would-be unifiers across the Continent have come and gone after having given the officials of the European Union “une mauvaise soirée,” as Marine Le Pen expressed it.  The results are a dramatic victory for the right, for “populism,” and for antiestablishmentarianism generally.  The...


Tariffs and Delusions

Lenin may or may not have said that the capitalists would sell him the rope by which he would hang them, but the proverb is assigned to him for good reason.  Any revolutionary who dreams of destroying the free-enterprise system can count on a valuable ally within the system itself, in the form of the...

Will Democrats Learn?

Will Democrats Learn?

Year after year, a president gives a State of the Union Address, and year after year the minority party’s response is predictably awful. Admittedly, the quest to find a humanoid capable of speaking sensible and winsome words into a camera in a political context has always proved to be a remarkable challenge, even for the...

Is Trump “Normal”?

Is Trump “Normal”?

The debate regarding President Trump’s sanity is echoed at a slightly less hyperbolic level by liberals’ fervent insistence that he is “not a normal president.”  What, exactly, does this mean?  That Trump is an “abnormal” president?  That he is an “abnormal” man?  An “abnormal” human being?  Or is their argument simply that he is an...

An Honest Reckoning

An Honest Reckoning

John le Carré could hardly imagine a better scenario: a spy-for-hire—once a servant of Her Majesty’s government, now selling his services in a foreign market—takes payouts from two masters simultaneously, as both a police informant and a political dirty-tricks man.  He feeds political intelligence to the police, who use that innuendo to justify covert surveillance...


Feds: Stop “Helping”

Student-loan debt in the United States is now $1.48 trillion.  That incredible sum is a heavy drag on the economy and a burden on young people.  And federal intervention in education is the cause. It wasn’t always this way. In June 1965, I began working as a salesman at the Sears store in Knoxville, receiving...


Trump, Beating the Odds

U.S. employment increased over President Trump’s first year in office, expanding from 145,541,000 in January to 147,380,000 in December, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.  Thus, amid the sound and fury of #NeverTrump media coverage, there has been a significant, and overlooked, development.  Donald Trump has avoided an economic curse shared by nearly every...

Return of the Kings

Return of the Kings

In a television appearance on January 7, President Emmanuel Macron of France, rather than addressing his compatriots exclusively, directed his remarks to his “fellow citizens of the E.U.,” saying, “2018 is a very special year, and I will need you this year.” Macron, a former investment banker and cabinet minister in the Socialist government of...

Shoes to Fill

Shoes to Fill

America is a nation of normal people who find themselves thrust into increasingly abnormal situations.  Left-wing ideologues want to take a country of families, churches, and businesses and turn it into a playpen of radical identities.  This is to be done in the name of fighting oppression, where apparently the most oppressive thing of all...


Obama’s Manufacturing Bust

Barack H. Obama left office as the first Democratic president to preside over a net loss of domestic manufacturing jobs since the U.S. government started compiling records in the late 1930’s.  There were 206,000 fewer manufacturing jobs in January 2017 (12,355,000) than in January 2009 (12,561,000) when Obama entered the White House, according to U.S....


The Job of Sex

The lares and penates of post-Christian (actually postpagan) America are Money, Sex, and Power, not necessarily in that order but rather according to individual taste and proclivity.  Our household gods are grinning and chuckling malevolently from the hearth as they behold the carnival of sexual scandal and hypocrisy that has been unfolding across the land...


Politicians #NeverLearn

Donald Trump’s first year as President is drawing to a close, and it’s been rough.  The Republican Congress proved unequal to the task of repealing Obama Care.  The border wall hasn’t been built.  The administration is packed with generals and hawkish ideologues who push the President toward foreign intervention.  A special prosecutor stalks the land,...


The Politics of Peace

Step by step America is being primed for war with Iran.  President Trump has not actually torn up the “Iran deal”—the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action that is supposed to defer the day the Islamic Republic might seek a nuclear weapon—but he “decertified” it in October, and his administration is under constant pressure from the...


On the Altar of Empire

The GOP-controlled Congress has received a report from the Pentagon advocating the conscription of women—the daughters, young wives, and young mothers of America, ages 18 to 25—according to the Washington Times. This is truly unprecedented.  At the tail end of the Obama administration, then Defense Secretary Ash Carter, who opened combat roles to women (with...


Is Europe Burning?

In 1966 a film called Is Paris Burning?, based on a novel of the same name, was a cinematic sensation.  Its subject was the liberation of Paris by the French Free Forces and the French Resistance in 1944.  More than 70 years later Europe itself is afire as a combined Resistance force including rightists, “populists,”...


The Terminal Playboy

When he died on September 27 at the age of 91, Hugh Hefner was no playboy.  He was an old man trapped in what amounted to a factory, surrounded by silicone, plastic, and hydrogen compounds.  Playboy’s circulation had peaked 45 years earlier with its November 1972 issue.  Even before then, Hef’s magazine had long ceded...


Not for Hunting

The Las Vegas shooter who murdered some five-dozen country-music fans and injured over 500 more had barely cashed in his chips when Democrats, celebrities, and the punditocracy—not yet knowing exactly which guns the killer used—began calling for their favorite gun-control measures and blaming the NRA, Republicans, and even country-music fans themselves for this latest episode...


The Trumping of the GOP

There were two reasons to support Donald J. Trump in the presidential campaign last year.  The first was the man himself, whom one could trust to deliver a much needed shock to the utterly narcissistic, self-involved American political system that would knock it off stasis and get it moving again in a sane and responsible...


German Shock

The liberal faith in the power of incantation is but one of many ways in which liberalism reveals its essentially religious nature.  Following the politically complex Dutch elections and the relatively poor showing of the Front National in the French ones last spring, Western liberals were in a hurry to suggest that “populism” in Europe...


Needed: Hands and Nerves

Decades before Donald Trump vanquished Hillary Clinton, Pat Buchanan heralded the themes that would put Trump in the White House.  Yet despite all that lead time, Trump’s victory was still in one sense premature.  In the interval between Buchanan’s presidential bids in the 1990’s and Trump’s victory last November, the Republican Party paid little heed...


You May Say You’re a Dreamer

The unconstitutional Obama executive order known as DACA was rescinded by the Trump DOJ on September 5.  Even as the courageous and unassuming A.G. Jeff Sessions made the announcement, thousands of tweets painted him as a hood-donning white-supremacist Russian agent.  Nancy Pelosi effectively called for more public displays of Antifa violence across the fruited plain,...


Who’s the Most Hateful of Them All?

No studies indicate, let alone demonstrate, that a significant percentage of ordinary white people “hate” black people, or black white, or indeed that an appreciable number belonging to any race in America today “hates” members of any other race.  But there’s no question that a great many people who subscribe to any one of the...


A Small Victory for Europe

As the new French President, Emmanuel Macron seems determined to hitch opposites together, combine like with dislike, compatibles with incompatibles, and otherwise fudge his policies as he did during the electoral campaign.  As a candidate for the office, he praised Angela Merkel’s decision to accept a million “refugees” from the Middle East and elsewhere—but has...


The Abnormal Nation

Since the reunification of East and West Germany in 1990, Germans have debated the question of whether their country can ever be a “normal” one again.  A current best-selling book—Finis Germania, by Rolf Peter Sieferle, a former left-wing intellectual who committed suicide before its publication—argues that since 1945 the German people have made scapegoats of...


Nothing in the Middle

Have you noticed?  Newspapers and television channels across the land have discovered a new kind of human-interest story: the business-owning, family-man illegal immigrant who gets deported after living in this country for decades as a productive noncitizen.  CNN’s website headlined the story of one Joel Colindres, “This is the face of deportation: A dad with...


Managerial Suicide

In The Spectator (June 24, 2016) Charles Moore, the Grand Old Man of British journalism despite his relatively young age, writes, “How much longer can it go on?  Deaths caused by terrorism are always followed now by candlelit vigils, a minute’s silence, victims’ families/government ministers/emergency services/clergy/imams all clustered together, walls of messages, flags at half-mast. ...


Snuffed Candle

Proclaimed political “dynasties” in American history have never persisted beyond two generations.  The Adams family produced two presidents in two generations, followed by an author of significant accomplishments who disdained democracy and never ran for political office.  The Roosevelts, Theodore and Franklin D., came from two branches of the family and later produced several public...


Managerial Suicide

In The Spectator (June 24, 2016) Charles Moore, the Grand Old Man of British journalism despite his relatively young age, writes, “How much longer can it go on?  Deaths caused by terrorism are always followed now by candlelit vigils, a minute’s silence, victims’ families/government ministers/emergency services/clergy/imams all clustered together, walls of messages, flags at half-mast.  Instinctively I...


Losers Double Down

The party of Hillary Clinton has not stopped losing since last November.  This fact is easily overlooked amid all of President Trump’s bad press, but Democrats have reliably come up short in special elections from Montana to Kansas to suburban Atlanta.  Jon Ossoff, the Democrat running in Georgia’s Sixth District, raised over $23 million by...


If We Cared About “Democracy”

Democracy is under attack, we now hear regularly.  While Donald Trump, the GOP, and (if you ask Rachel Maddow) the weather have all been identified of late as “threats” to our democracy, the Great Satan is, of course, Russia, pop. 144,498,215.  Vlad Putin directs, or winks and nods at, a Red Army of hackers who,...


Who’s Appropriating Whom?

All immigrants to America demand a good deal of us, some more than others.  Mexican immigrants (and after them the Muslim ones) demand the most. St. Patrick’s Day parades date from the late, prerevolutionary 18th century and have been an American institution ever since as a celebration of Irish history, culture, and cuisine.  Cinco de...


Desperate NeverTrumpers and the Constitution

A year ago the op-ed writers who present themselves as tutors to the nation insisted that Donald Trump could not and would not become president.  Progressive pundits were certain of this—after all, they didn’t know anyone who was voting for him.  The Republican wing of the commentariat, however, was equally sure that Trump would fail:...