This nearly 70-year-old war film was in some sense an anti-war film.
Category: Web
The Food Desert Fabrication
If we truly want to build a healthier food system, we must start by reclaiming our agency, one meal at a time.
Democrats Will Not Benefit from Their Own Republic-Destabilizing Lawfare
Democrats have no idea what they have unleashed. Perhaps worse, they don't even care.
How Mass Illegal Migration is Killing Young People’s Home Ownership Dreams
Parents wondering why Junior can’t move out of the basement should look to the waves of illegal aliens being imported here by our “inclusive,” “compassionate,” and anti-borders politicians.
D-Day at 80: The Score
D-Day was not a turning point of the Second World War. It was the first and arguably the most decisive operation of the Cold War.
California: Where Common Sense Goes To Die
California leads the way in policies designed to make life unpleasant.
Transnational Injustice
The International Criminal Court is a political court, no less than the one which convicted Donald Trump in New York.
D.C. Comics
“Mallard Fillmore” and its creator, Bruce Tinsley, reveal the struggles of conservative journalists—both in the comics section and reality.
Alvin Bragg—Nothing to Brag About
New Yorkers need a DA who watches out for them, not for himself.
Now Is Not the Time for Indifference
Freedom now hangs in the balance in America. Staying alert and knowing what’s at stake are key in this fight for liberty.
Guilty of … What, Exactly?
It has been amazing to see the number of very smart people who stumble over explaining exactly what Trump was convicted of doing.
Virginia Turns Toward Trump
Biden received the benefit of the doubt in 2020 from suburbanites who wanted competence and calm. He won't get that this year, after the record he's run up.
Dua Lipa, like Pope Benedict, Strives to Give Eros Dignity
The artist’s new album is panned by critics who miss the point of her commentary on real and lasting love.
VDARE Case Another Example of New York’s Weaponization of the Law
What is happening to Peter and Lydia Brimelow exemplifies the kind of lawfare that the same cast of characters are now waging against Trump. New York voters, ultimately, are the ones to blame.
Dr. Fauci Does Columbia
The totalitarian ethos of Dr. Anthony Fauci is not a model for medical school graduates seeking to become actual doctors. Bureaucrats like Fauci can only preach white-coat supremacy.
Suicide Redux: A Psychiatrist Responds
More psychiatrists will not solve the existential crisis of our society. A solution must lie elsewhere.
The Rule of Law No Longer Reigns in New York
There was a time when the Big Apple was undoubtedly the legal capital of the country and an exciting and wonderful place to visit. That is no more.
Trump’s Sham Conviction Raises the Stakes for November
Beneath all the sanctimony about Trump’s “crimes,” the left knows, and we know, that his conviction is an exercise of power, not justice.
Who You Talkin’ To, Robert De Niro?
The actor’s self-indulgent rant in New York is the latest example of the all-too-human temptation to garner admiration through performative outrage.
Post-Trump Verdict, Will the American Right Finally Wake Up?
It has never been more incumbent upon the right to finally wake up and realize what is going on right now in this once-great nation.
The Place Beyond the Ruins
Things are bound to get much worse in America before and if they get better. That is why we all need our “Two-Hearted River” beyond the ruins.
Democrats Demand Justice Alito Control His Wife
There’s a delicious irony in the leftist media’s calls for Justice Samuel Alito to control his wife’s political expression.
Trump Criminal Trial: Even Trump-Hating Analysts Scratch Their Heads
In their analysis of the trial of Donald Trump in New York, liberal skeptics inadvertently explain why so many believe that Trump faces persecution by a two-tiered justice system.
It Is Up to Us to Begin the End of Our Culture’s Insanity
The typhoon causing our present-day cultural and political ruination was a storm gathering strength for decades. It will take at least as many decades to restore America as were required for its destruction.
The Cop-Murdering Extremist Who Inspires Pro-Palestinian Campus Radicals
The celebration of Wesley Cook, aka “Mumia Abu-Jamal,” a cop-killing thug and member of a lawless cult of child abusers and anti-social criminals, by today’s campus radicals is telling.
Biden’s All-of-Government Vote-Buying Scheme
A decade after Barack Obama pioneered it, Joe Biden is tasking every agency and department of the federal government to promote voter engagement.
How I Single-Handedly Spiked a Hollywood Hit Job
Think one pissed-off conservative can’t take on leftist Hollywood and win? Read on.
The Anti-White Sentiment Underlying Left-Wing Anti-Semitism
The anti-white left views the struggle of Hamas as a continuation of the war against Western colonialism. They are never going to make common cause with Jews who defend the West.
The Free-Market Populism of Javier Milei
Just as some businessmen who’ve lost their subsidies still back Milei, populist voters in the United States aren’t necessarily looking for handouts. They want a fair shake, not a New Deal.
Transhumanism and the Cure for Suffering
Are there evolutionary purposes to human suffering? And, if so, what might these tell us about how to alleviate it through artificial intelligence and whether we should?
Reflecting American Dreams and American Nightmares
Elia Kazan’s “A Face in the Crowd” (1957) takes the audience along for a ride that ends up in front of a mirror.
Democrats Are Stuck with Joe Biden as Their Presidential Nominee
Democrats have no choice but to take a deep breath, pray to the deity they probably don't believe in, and roll the dice with their impotent current ticket.
The Two Surest Signs of the Totalitarian Impulse
Two of the truest marks of a totalitarian regime are its claim to know your thoughts better than you do, and its demand for the coercive power to “correct” your thought.
Biden’s Black Lies Matter
Joe Biden’s “pep talk” to the graduating students at the historically black Morehouse College was full of the left’s usual uninspiring lies.
Stop the Migrant Invasion
The Left insists migration is a humanitarian crisis. Wrong. It’s a lawless invasion. Europeans are fighting back. Americans should, too.
The Spring of the West’s Disorder
A series of unfortunate events this spring have revealed a West that does not respect itself and, therefore, cannot command the respect of others.
Mass Illegal Migration Makes Us Sicker, Not Stronger
The Biden administration’s chaotic, illegal approach to immigration prioritizes importation of people with questionable health records over the well-being of U.S. citizens.
Witch Hunt at the New York Philharmonic Draws in Veteran Trump Hunter
U.S. federal judge Barbara S. Jones is among those engaged in an outrageous and unrelenting pursuit of two musicians formerly with the orchestra for sexual assault allegations. The evidence is dodgy but the determination to punish them is stronger than ever.
Limits and Hope: Against the Anti-Tragedy Agenda of the Left
Once the right allowed the left to frame politics as the avoidance of tragedy, they lost the game. We’d do well to reconsider what Christopher Lasch called the “limits and hope” of politics.
Trump’s Sun Belt Hopes and Rust Belt Needs
Trump should do everything he can to win the Sun Belt, and black and Hispanic voters, away from Biden. But his priority must be to win back the Rust Belt states and white voters he lost in 2020.
Harrison Butker Boots This One Out of the Stadium
The outraged reaction to the Kansas City Chiefs’ kicker’s speech on the “pervasiveness of disorder” exposes how people can’t handle the truth about American culture.
Meme World Syndrome
The feedback loop of our very online “discourse” knows no end and it is rendering our society insane.
Rejecting Truth, Justice, and the American Way
The abandonment of common-sense realism destroyed our institutions of higher learning a long time ago. It now threatens to destroy the nation itself.
My Internet Friends
The less obvious part of the phenomenon of online friendships is that the communities created are often much more than common interest spaces.
Will Democrats Pay a Price for Their Cynical, Crumbling Lawfare Strategy?
The Democrats’ strategy is failing. But it is up to the American people to make them pay for it.
Kinkade Konservatism Reacts to Royal Portraits
Insofar as these portraits display Charles and Camilla as they really are, they are good art. But let’s not lie to ourselves about what they are saying about the British monarchy and our times.
Another Big Lie: Liberals Are More ‘Caring’ Than Conservatives
Conservatives are more generous with their money, and it’s not even close.
Is Common Sense Realism Making a Comeback?
The real battle being fought in America today is not between the right and the left. It is a battle between common sense and nonsense.
Shafik and Other College Presidents Have Mission Confusion
American colleges and universities have long been considered tops in the world, but this preeminence won’t last if they operate as mere indoctrination factories, turning out social activists instead of knowledgeable, independent thinkers.
American Genius: Carver Skateboards, Skateparks, and Resisting the Joy Killers
Plans to build a skatepark in Brooklyn offer a laudable public works improvement to the city but are still not my style. The freewheeling street surfing possible on a Carver skateboard, however, is as American as it gets.