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A Constitution Unburdened by Consent

A Constitution Unburdened by Consent

Because we have unburdened our political rhetoric from authentic Christianity and our Constitution from the necessity of reflecting our consent, we are burdened instead by empty language and forms now used to enslave us.

Can Biden Buy the Voters?

Can Biden Buy the Voters?

Biden knows what he has to do to win—but the educated whites who are the backbone of his party have little in common, culturally or economically, with the lower-class whites whose interest is in work, not woke.

Teflon Don Strikes Again

Teflon Don Strikes Again

Trump's fight with our corrupt system is why his supporters can’t let him go. Who knows? It just might make him president again.

U.S. Flunks Its Own Election Standards

U.S. Flunks Its Own Election Standards

Freedom House sees election corruption everywhere except in the U.S., where the government pays its bills, and the legal system coordinates with the administration to impoverish and imprison the conservative opposition.

Fourteen Russian Hoaxes and What Explains Them

Fourteen Russian Hoaxes and What Explains Them

In the ongoing effort to redefine the government’s relationship with American citizens and obtain control over their political speech and choices, hoaxes surrounding Russia have been the go-to play.

Letitia James’s Richelieu Routine

Letitia James’s Richelieu Routine

If New York’s attorney general can smear and destroy an online publication simply because she does not agree with its contents, there’s no meaningful free speech in America anymore.

Secrets of the Muddled East

Secrets of the Muddled East

The struggles of the Middle East cannot be summarized or dismissed in chalking it all up to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. There’s much more at play in the region.

Revolt of the ‘Karens’

Revolt of the ‘Karens’

Moms for Liberty, a proud group of American parents, is retaking control of their children’s educations from the government leftists now destroying it.

The Trump of Myth and Legend

The Trump of Myth and Legend

There is no need to compare Trump to some biblical hero or a mythic savior in order to state one’s agreement with one or more of his stated policies.

Crime Hits Home

Crime Hits Home

When one is victimized by a career criminal, something much more valuable than property is often stolen.

Welcoming Migrants Creates War-Rationing Scenario

Welcoming Migrants Creates War-Rationing Scenario

The sacrifices Americans make today do not serve any greater good, such as winning a war, preserving our way of life, or giving their children a chance at a better future. Instead, our government is making us sacrifice to meet the needs of foreign nationals here illegally.

Young People Are Right to Hate the Office

Young People Are Right to Hate the Office

Don’t blame the 40-hour work week or youthful laziness for the increasing frustrations young people are voicing about their lives and their jobs. Blame today’s woke workplace and a culture that pushes phony self-actualization over fulfillment.

Migrant Crime Turning Cities Into War Zones

Migrant Crime Turning Cities Into War Zones

The Statue of Liberty says, "Give me your tired, your poor." It doesn't say your lawbreakers, brutes, and gang leaders. But criminals posing as asylum seekers are exploiting soft-hearted Americans and terrorizing their cities.

What Brings Them to Lourdes

What Brings Them to Lourdes

Lourdes is that rare place where the very sick and severely disabled are put in the spotlight and treated with great care and respect, and not as "useless" or as "burdens" in any way.