Category: Web

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Impractical Separation

Impractical Separation

An interesting debate on the right concerning the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution neglects to consider that the founder’s Constitution may no longer be our framework of government.

The ‘Most Moral’ Military on Earth?

The ‘Most Moral’ Military on Earth?

In the midst of the ongoing brutal war in Gaza, there is something disturbingly dishonest and self-abasing about Americans claiming Israel’s military is “the most moral on Earth.”

Michelle Obama’s Trauma

Michelle Obama’s Trauma

The former First Lady’s DNC speech lamenting the ways of America’s racist, sexist red staters confirmed that she is just a champagne socialist with no chance at or interest in being elected to higher office.

DNC Roundup: What Did I Just Watch?

DNC Roundup: What Did I Just Watch?

Democratic conventions are usually filled with soaring rhetoric disguising the party’s extremism. This year’s trainwreck is what happens when a party has no idea what they are or why they’re here.

The Kamala Harris Hoax

The Kamala Harris Hoax

The Harris honeymoon, like all the frauds perpetrated against Trump in the past, will be exposed sooner or later. The only question is whether that happens before the election.

Rebuilding: New Tech, Old Principles

Rebuilding: New Tech, Old Principles

After draining the swamp, we need to ensure emerging tech serves the republic’s founding principles, rather than the interests of the centralized administrative state.

How to Respond to Tradwife Envy

How to Respond to Tradwife Envy

It won’t do to obsess with condemning the unreality of celebrity tradwives living the dream. Their popularity points to something fundamental about the human condition and it deserves a serious answer.

Failure to Communicate

Failure to Communicate

Recent weeks have exposed the American government’s relationship to its citizens as one devoid of trust or good will. In response, Americans must demand transparency.

A Postcard from Manchester

A Postcard from Manchester

The horrors of immigrant violence and the reaction of the UK government to the outrage of its citizens ought to be a lesson for Americans.

Who Should Blacks Vote for in November?

Who Should Blacks Vote for in November?

If looking strictly at policies that best serve the interests of blacks, the electoral calculus may surprise. It’s not the party of the donkey or the elephant, but that of the porcupine.

Kamala Harris, Queen of Oppo Research

Kamala Harris, Queen of Oppo Research

Harris’s ties to sketchy opposition research figures are well-established and her fingerprints linger on several significant “oppo” hits. What will this mean for November?