Last full, a holier-than-thou exercise in breast-beating was sponsored by The Nation and The New Republic; it was designated “Were the Rosenbergs Framed?” As expected, the one-up manship lasted long after the programs were littering the floor of Town
Hall. Andrew Kopkind, associate editor of The Nation, wrote up the event for his employer, which provoked a great deal of ire, proving that there is less honor and more fulling out among thieves. One respon dent, Sol Stein, wrote of Kopkind’s “charge” that Stein and two other participants are:

‘culturally ambitious ”former” radicals who have made a bitter peace with repression.’

Stein parries:

I wonder if Kopkind could be more concrete about my alleged ‘cultural’ ambitions? I now write for The Village Voice. Is that an example
of ambition?

No. Certainly not.