Tag: Covid vaccines

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Dr. Fauci Does Columbia

Dr. Fauci Does Columbia

The totalitarian ethos of Dr. Anthony Fauci is not a model for medical school graduates seeking to become actual doctors. Bureaucrats like Fauci can only preach white-coat supremacy.

Questioning the Pill Triggers a Big Pharma Backlash

Questioning the Pill Triggers a Big Pharma Backlash

Women learned during the COVID vaccine mandates that pharmaceutical companies are willing to sacrifice their reproductive health for profits. Now they are questioning the health risks of birth control pills, and big pharma has summoned its media allies to silence them.

Progressivism Versus Popular Sovereignty

Progressivism Versus Popular Sovereignty

Our 21st-century civilizational battles are those waged between the popular sovereigntists and the globalist progressives who cling to every would-be "crisis" or "emergency" in a desperate attempt to attain and weaponize ever-more power.

The Mortality Spike

The Mortality Spike

In many countries, including the United States, there was a sharp rise in mortality, especially among the younger population, after the widespread rollout of COVID-19 vaccines.