Donald Trump will not be remembered as his enemies wanted—a traitor and illegitimate president, a “convicted felon” whose time in the Oval Office was a mere mistake of history—but as an American legend destined for greatness.
Tag: Democratic Party
Are Republicans Ready for Biden’s Counterattack?
Republicans need to be wary about becoming complacent about their chances in November or adopting the Democrats' framework on rhetoric and violence lest they make a strength out of Biden’s mediocrity.
A Palace Coup Is Hard to Do: A Fix for the Broken 25th Amendment
Now is the moment for all Americans to join arm-in-arm to oust Biden by embracing an idea Democratic Congressman Jamie Raskin hatched to get Trump.
Donald Trump Is a Legend
Trump has taken massive hits for his years in public service. Now he’s survived an assassination attempt and got up and walked away. He is a legend.
Democrats Only Have Themselves to Blame for Their Joe Biden Mess
Democrats and their media boosters can’t blame the nefarious "orange man" or his "deplorable" minions for their troubles but must look to their very own hubris and myopia.
Democrats Realize It’s Biden or Harris or Take a Knee
For now, Biden appears to have weathered the post-debate storm.
UK Elections Show Fake Conservatism Cannot Win
Since Britain’s Conservatives governed like American Democrats, the British elections have merely replaced one statist, social democratic party with another.
Joe Biden Faces Richard Nixon’s Choice
Like Nixon, Biden must now write his last chapter—for one way or another, he’s reached the end of the book.
They Lied to You
Never forgive, and never forget, that these lying miscreants have gaslighted America into believing Joe Biden was mentally competent to govern the nation.
Should President Biden Drop Out—or Resign?
Biden has neither the stamina nor the cogency to fulfill the duties of his office. Those calling for him to step away from the race need to be calling for him to resign.
Trump Dominates, But Biden Won’t Be Replaced
Not even Trump’s felony conviction on transparently bogus charges can keep Biden from being defeated. The evidence of his incompetence and incapacitation is all too clear.
Female Trouble for the Right: The Widening Gender Gap
Data show that the political gender gap between men and women is now more like a canyon.
Democrats Will Not Benefit from Their Own Republic-Destabilizing Lawfare
Democrats have no idea what they have unleashed. Perhaps worse, they don't even care.
Biden, Trump, and the False God of Democracy
Conservatives would do well to remember that a political system of democratic leveling will always find new depths of evil, and fresh bodies to swell its ranks.
MTG’s Admirable Pugnacity Needs a Reality Check
Republicans should hammer the border issue but otherwise keep a low profile right now and wait to see if they can pull out a November win.
Speaker Johnson Gets Swamped Over Ukraine
The return of GOP’s minority-party mindset is very likely to be a self-fulfilling prophecy come November.
Grounds for Suspicion
Republican voters have every right to assume bad faith from Democrats and their vote-counters, who have unscrupulously tried to increase their party’s power while behaving unethically toward electoral opponents.
The Path to Victory for Trump
Trump’s best chance in 2024 is to ignore the noise and prove, contrary to the smear campaigns, that he is the superior candidate in terms of competence, stability, and sanity.
Republican Ignorance and Incuriosity Encourage Corporate-Government Collusion Against Liberty
Too many Republicans still believe that running interference for big business is the same thing as preserving and defending liberty. They completely miss the ways that corporations have become the hand inside the sock puppet of big government.
Can Biden Buy the Voters?
Biden knows what he has to do to win—but the educated whites who are the backbone of his party have little in common, culturally or economically, with the lower-class whites whose interest is in work, not woke.
Dakota Johnson’s Honesty and Madame Web’s Failure
The actress’s frankness about her regrets over participating in this turkey of a film is a breath of fresh air. It’s a cause to be hopeful that studios will learn that there are penalties for choosing to relegate art to the algorithms.
Liberal Elites Against Democracy
One of the great ironies of our present age is that democracy's would-be eponymous outfit, the Democratic Party, has become an enemy of democracy itself.
The Pipe Dream Presidential Candidacy of Gavin Newsom or Michelle Obama
Kamala Harris wants to be president, ran for the job in 2020 and probably expected Biden, at some point after defeating former President Donald Trump, to hand her the baton before November 2024.
Democrats’ Open Border Trickery: Gaming the Census
The raw political interest of Democrats is at work in gaming the census numbers to increase the headcount in America’s leftist cities to maintain the political power.
Michelle Obama Isn’t Running for President
Dropping Michelle Obama into the presidential race as the ultimate Hail Mary pass may be a fun gossip item, but the important thing to remember is that there’s nothing in it for her.
It’s Time to End the Legal Fiction of ‘Asylum’
This strange worship of foreigners has been foisted on America in ways that are unnatural and utterly disabling.
Who Paid the Authors of the Border Bill?
Everything we know about the so-called “bipartisan” border bill suggests that it is has been worked out at the behest of powerful interests that have nothing to do with the will or interests of the American people.
Democrats’ Big Gamble on the Border Crashers Will Pay Political Dividends
Even if the Democrats fail to bestow the franchise on illegals immediately, their beneficiaries do offer enormous near-term and long-term uses for the party.
Will ‘Lawfare’ Take Trump Off the Ballot?
Democrats have led their supporters to entertain a fantasy of winning by disqualifying Trump rather than beating him, but the scenarios don't work, and lawfare only breeds strife.
The Executive Branch Is Deliberately Failing Americans
America cannot afford another four years of an open-borders Democrat administration.
Free Health Insurance for Migrants Is Lunacy
In blue state after blue state, Democrats are pushing to give migrants taxpayer-funded health coverage. It's a knife in the back of hardworking Americans who struggle to pay medical bills.
Trump’s an ‘Insurrectionist’—But Hillary Was Exercising Free Speech
When Republicans ask questions about the integrity of our elections it's insurrection. When Democrats do it, it's just politics.
Charles Schumer: Jewish Bourbon
There is little excuse for Schumer’s shock, and his speech on anti-Semitism, delivered in his usual sanctimonious style, was unimpressive. It may have satisfied him. There is no reason it should satisfy anybody else.
Hamas Advocacy Exposes Phony Sloganeering of the Left
The left’s hashtag activism about sexual violence is just pure politics meant to manipulate female voters into believing that Democratic policies protect women.
Biden Looks Doomed—But Is He?
Political scientists say presidential elections are referendums on the incumbent. If that’s the case next year, none of the Biden team’s grounds for optimism will matter.
The Kamala Conundrum: Why Democrats Are Stuck With Her
If not Biden, the next batter up is Harris. The die is cast.
What Accounts for the ‘Traditional Democrat’ Lovefest on the Right?
According to the centrist, hawkish wing of the GOP, even far-left Democrats are “traditional” pseudo-conservatives as long as they are pro-Israel.
A Test for Trump and His Rivals
The path to the nomination for anyone other than Trump is exceedingly narrow. Voter composition and mobilization efforts will be key for Trump’s rivals.
A Trump Political Miracle?
If Trump’s momentum continues to build, we may be on the precipice of witnessing a world-historic, resounding affirmation of the people’s desire for self-government, against incredible odds.
By the Time Abortion Makes the Ballot, the Battle’s Over
Pro-life voters are made in pews and pulpits, not political party conventions.
Election Fraud Is Real and Needs to Be Fixed Before 2024
When you turn on the TV on election night to watch the returns, you want to know the results are honest, whether your candidate wins or not.
War in the Democratic Party—and at the Opera
In art as in politics, liberals find wickedness only in our own institutions.
Democrats’ Noncitizen Voting Scam
Across the country Democrats, like New York City Mayor Eric Adams, are pushing for the disaster of allowing noncitizens to vote in local elections.
The Conservative Double Standard for Collective Responsibility
Conservatives who condemn the Palestinians for voting Hamas into power don’t apply the same standard to American minorities who vote for Democrats.
Israel’s Lesson for 2024: A Liberal Crackup
The new New Left has the potential to spark a civil war among progressives, especially as causes like Black Lives Matter and anti-police policies entwine with "anti-colonial" and anti-Israel ideology.
Why Bidenflation Defines Bidenomics
Bidenomics holds little hope of saving Biden, no matter what happens next.
Biden’s Shameless Hypocrisy on Migrant Family Separations
Team Biden is going to great lengths to conceal data on the high and growing number of family separations occurring at America’s southern border, which have resulted from their bad policy and are happening on their watch.
Gaetz’s Rebellion Against McCarthy Is a Rational Response to the Fiscal Emergency
The historic rebellion of Congressman Matt Gaetz and other Republican fiscal hawks against their own House leadership was a necessary move in the face of a financial crisis in the making.
Cornel West Spells Doom for Biden
Cornel West is setting the stage for a replay of 2000 when Ralph Nader peeled off enough votes to cost the Democrats the White House. West's appeal, like Nader's, is a sign of a larger problem facing the Democratic party.
Why the Politics of Grievance Is a Winning Strategy for the Democrats
The Democratic Party decided to abandon the working class and become the party of grievance groups generations ago. This is what it is today; there's no going back.