Donald Trump dared everything in his inaugural address.
Tag: Republican Party
The Reeducation of Mitt Romney: From Trump Hatred to Respect?
Mitt Romney is singing a much different tune now that Trump has won the election.
Remembering Lee Edwards: Chronicler of Conservatism
Lee Edwards was present at the creation of the conservative movement.
The Battles Ahead and Why We Fight
The work of restoring the American republic is only just beginning with the coming inauguration of Donald Trump.
American Men and the Emerging Culture Shift
This year signaled a rightward cultural shift for males and an opportunity for males to shape American culture.
Trump Draws the Map to 2028
Donald Trump destroyed the Democrats’ blue wall and, with it, their hopes for 2028.
Why Trump Did Much Better With Hispanics
The 2024 election highlights the complexity and nuance within the Hispanic electorate.
Trump’s Defiant Comeback Shows Potential Not Yet Tapped
The surprising arc of Donald Trump’s political comeback is not yet over. His critics should brace for more.
Five Factors Behind Trump’s Triumph
How Donald Trump defied expectations to win the 2024 election.
The Death of Obamaism, and the Historic MAGA Opportunity
The 2024 election broke Obama’s Democratic intersectional coalition, presenting an historic opportunity for the GOP.
The Election’s Consequences, and Our Responsibilities
Americans stood up yesterday to say they want to govern themselves. Now comes the hard work of doing it.
The Final Choice: Civilizational Arson Versus Civilizational Sanity
It is not an exaggeration to say that everything is on the line this Tuesday.
A Pro-Trump Immigrant’s Story
Many legal immigrants, particularly those from Communist countries, know the stakes of this election.
How Donald Trump Can Win the Popular Vote
Trump’s chances of success in the popular vote tied to the GOP’s prospects of extending its House majority.
‘Smurfing’ Is Corrupting American Elections
A widespread illegal campaign finance practice called “smurfing” steals the identities of small-dollar donors and uses them to mask repeat campaign contributions by the wealthy.
United We Stand
In 2024 we see surprising alliances forming to oppose the corruption and tyranny of our government.
Elon Musk Leads Parade of Tech Titans Boosting Trump as the True ‘Freedom Candidate’
You don’t need AI to figure that Harris and the Democrats are bad for technology and innovation.
Donald Trump Is Reagan’s Heir
The future of all Reagan secured for the country now hinges on what happens in this election.
Republicans Should Focus on Harris Rather Than Walz
It is obvious why so many in the GOP are reluctant to attack Harris and, instead, focus their sites on Walz. They deeply fear being labeled racist and sexist for attacking a “woman of color.”
Republicans Must Make a Laser-Focused, Issues-Based Case to the People
If Republicans can successfully frame the 2024 election as boiling down to the actual issues—and above all, the economy, inflation, immigration and crime—then they stand a strong chance of prevailing.
Donald Trump Has to Run Like It’s 2016 Again
Social media didn’t elect Trump in 2016, showing up in the flesh did. The contours of the election have shifted and that’s what Trump needs to do again to win in 2024.
Let’s Make America Weird Again: J.D. Vance vs. the Left
If Vance’s record and achievements at so young an age constitute something weird, then let’s figure out a way to bottle this magic potion and serve it up to every teenager in America.
Is Trump Running Against Harris—or Donald Trump?
Trump can regain the momentum he’s lost since the convention—but only if he defines Harris in voters’ minds, so he’s running directly against her, not his party, his allies and himself.
It’s Not Pat Buchanan’s Party
The GOP has certainly changed its vintage. Buchananism, however, it is not.
How to Debate Kamala Harris if You are Donald Trump
Trump is a hot media presence. He needs to become a cooler one, while instilling rational fear of Kamala Harris’s hard left views.
Do We Have Real Political Choices, or Is It All a ‘Uniparty’?
Claiming that all established political parties are essentially the same and that all apparent differences are fake makes it impossible to take advantage of opportunities to slow down the left.
NeverVancers Are the New NeverTrumpers
The usual suspects are out in force to undermine J. D. Vance as antithetical to Reagan’s realism merely because he repudiates George W. Bush’s disasters.
Nigel Farage Makes the Trump Moment Permanent
Brexit and Trump’s election were eight years ago, but 2016 is still the present and future of the political right.
Female Trouble for the Right: The Widening Gender Gap
Data show that the political gender gap between men and women is now more like a canyon.
MTG’s Admirable Pugnacity Needs a Reality Check
Republicans should hammer the border issue but otherwise keep a low profile right now and wait to see if they can pull out a November win.
Speaker Johnson Gets Swamped Over Ukraine
The return of GOP’s minority-party mindset is very likely to be a self-fulfilling prophecy come November.
Trump, Abortion, and the 2024 Election
Overall, the pro-life cause must be less concerned with short-term tactical disagreements and more concerned with unanimity as to the long-term goal.
MSNBC: One Man’s ‘Election Denier’ Is Another Man’s TV Host
At MSNBC Ronna McDaniel is out and Al Sharpton in. One man’s “election denier” is another man’s media host.
The Twilight of the Republican ‘McLeadership’
The Trump team is steadily purging the Republican leadership of holdovers from past decades. The departure of McCarthy, McDaniel, and McConnell is part of exorcising the legacy of a more important “Mc” whose influence is still felt in the U.S. Senate: John McCain.
The Path to Victory for Trump
Trump’s best chance in 2024 is to ignore the noise and prove, contrary to the smear campaigns, that he is the superior candidate in terms of competence, stability, and sanity.
Republican Ignorance and Incuriosity Encourage Corporate-Government Collusion Against Liberty
Too many Republicans still believe that running interference for big business is the same thing as preserving and defending liberty. They completely miss the ways that corporations have become the hand inside the sock puppet of big government.
Who Paid the Authors of the Border Bill?
Everything we know about the so-called “bipartisan” border bill suggests that it is has been worked out at the behest of powerful interests that have nothing to do with the will or interests of the American people.
Will ‘Lawfare’ Take Trump Off the Ballot?
Democrats have led their supporters to entertain a fantasy of winning by disqualifying Trump rather than beating him, but the scenarios don't work, and lawfare only breeds strife.
Trump’s Not a ‘True Conservative’—He’s a Winner
Amoral populism is the future, whether we like it or not.
The MAGA Saga Must Play Out
The Trump saga will, and must, play out. Those who see themselves in his battle with the powerful, who see their troubles mirrored in his struggles, will not be denied.
Trump’s an ‘Insurrectionist’—But Hillary Was Exercising Free Speech
When Republicans ask questions about the integrity of our elections it's insurrection. When Democrats do it, it's just politics.
Trump’s Country Party Roots
Aristocracy is the problem, and Americans will fight it with any weapon at hand—including Donald Trump.
Congressional Republicans Facilitate the FBI’s FISA Abuse
The FBI has mastered the art of intimidating elected leaders with its FISA surveillance power.
What Happened to Ron DeSantis?
When a politician stakes his campaign on a demonstration of how thorough, consistent and philosophically pure he is, he might impress conservative journalists and policy wonks, but they don't pick the nominee.
Con Inc. Tries to Smear Pat Buchanan as an Anti-Semite Once Again
The United States is not Israel. Understanding that does not make you an anti-Semite or even hostile to Israel. It’s just reality: a concept that appears increasingly elusive to GOP leadership and establishment conservatives.
Biden Looks Doomed—But Is He?
Political scientists say presidential elections are referendums on the incumbent. If that’s the case next year, none of the Biden team’s grounds for optimism will matter.
What Accounts for the ‘Traditional Democrat’ Lovefest on the Right?
According to the centrist, hawkish wing of the GOP, even far-left Democrats are “traditional” pseudo-conservatives as long as they are pro-Israel.
A Test for Trump and His Rivals
The path to the nomination for anyone other than Trump is exceedingly narrow. Voter composition and mobilization efforts will be key for Trump’s rivals.
A Trump Political Miracle?
If Trump’s momentum continues to build, we may be on the precipice of witnessing a world-historic, resounding affirmation of the people’s desire for self-government, against incredible odds.
By the Time Abortion Makes the Ballot, the Battle’s Over
Pro-life voters are made in pews and pulpits, not political party conventions.