Tag: anti-Semitism

Home anti-Semitism
anti-white gurus

The Hate That Dare Not Speak Its Name

The grand strategy of the Democratic Party has become to exploit the growing diversity of the American electorate to construct a Coalition of the Fringes. One result has been the cultural acceptance of anti-white racism.

Claudine Gay, Harvard, elite

Harvard Still Hates America

A more thorough congressional investigation into all the problems Harvard and other elite colleges cause the American people is needed. These elite schools consistently exhibit contempt for normal Americans.

Fighting Intolerance with More of the Same

Fighting Intolerance with More of the Same

It’s a little late in the day to be discovering what cesspools of intolerance American universities have become. Suspending freedom of speech to please those who don’t want to hear anti-Zionist sounds is not the proper response.

Claudine Gay Is Not a Martyr

Claudine Gay Is Not a Martyr

The disgraced former president of Harvard University is representative of the DEI regime and the massive undertaking it will be to dismantle it.

Charles Schumer: Jewish Bourbon

Charles Schumer: Jewish Bourbon

There is little excuse for Schumer’s shock, and his speech on anti-Semitism, delivered in his usual sanctimonious style, was unimpressive. It may have satisfied him. There is no reason it should satisfy anybody else.

Collegiate Anti-Semitism Did Not Start Yesterday

Collegiate Anti-Semitism Did Not Start Yesterday

As I look at the Johnny-Come-Lately critics of our anti-Semitic universities, I am reminded of the French Communist Party during and after the fall of France. Why should we now celebrate those who contributed to this poisoning of our culture?

Pursuing Ethnic Blocs Stupidly

Pursuing Ethnic Blocs Stupidly

In responses to the Hamas attacks, conservatives again demonstrate inept attempts to imitate the left’s shameful and divisive appeals to ethnic blocs. In abasing themselves to pursue special voting blocs, these conservatives adopt a bad principle and a clumsy and embarrassing strategy.

The Hitler of Legend

The Hitler of Legend

Contrary to the standard view of historians, Hitler was not a conservative with pre-World War I aristocratic values, but a radical revolutionary who upended the traditional German power structure.

Conservative Gatekeeping

Conservative Gatekeeping

Conservatism Inc. has a long history of purging undesirables who challenge its party lines, but those in charge of the movement typically hide this practice.

The Right That Is Left

The Right That Is Left

The so-called University of Austin, founded by Bari Weiss and Douglas Murray, is an attempt to create a safe space for a renamed left that has rebaptized itself as the moderate right.

Race Erased

Race Erased

Racism, Not Race starts from the assumption that biological races do not exist, rants leftward from there, and finishes by slapping the white-supremacist label on Trump voters.