Donald Trump continues an American political tradition that appears tough and adversarial, but is strictly theatrical. Wrestlers call it "kayfabe."
Tag: Barack Obama
Who Wants to Be House Speaker?
Weakening House committees had the paradoxical effect of concentrating power in leadership and making the speaker more important in setting the majority’s policy direction—which only turned the speaker into the focus of every member’s discontent and created stronger opposition to him within the party.
America Can Be Great Again
America's crowning achievement was the moon landing. But, since 1972, our nation's priorities have shifted from moon missions to diversity, equity, and inclusion. It doesn't have to be this way.
Oscar Oversights
Black actors and authors are still ignored in Hollywood—including some with very revealing stories to tell.
American Public Education Is Beyond Crisis Mode
Parents who don’t want their children to be subject to the ever-changing winds of today’s left-wing therapeutic culture will have to make the word “sacrifice” part of their vocabulary.
Veepstakes Give Trump an Edge
Small though the influence of a VP pick usually is, Trump has several ways to turn the right choice into a winning hand.
Do Americans Trust Either Party?
Americans prefer no consistent government, rapid-cycling anarchy, to everything the two parties offer: neither has made the sale.
Michelle Obama Isn’t Running for President
Dropping Michelle Obama into the presidential race as the ultimate Hail Mary pass may be a fun gossip item, but the important thing to remember is that there’s nothing in it for her.
Why Are Americans At Each Other’s Throats? Ask Barack Obama
The man many Americans hoped and expected to be a unifier, from the beginning of his presidency until its end, played one race card after another.
Great Fakes of 2023: Buffy, Cat, and the Composite Character
2023 was a year in which great fakery was revealed in show business, even as the fakes within America’s corridors of power continue their deceptions.
Hamas Advocacy Exposes Phony Sloganeering of the Left
The left’s hashtag activism about sexual violence is just pure politics meant to manipulate female voters into believing that Democratic policies protect women.
War in the Democratic Party—and at the Opera
In art as in politics, liberals find wickedness only in our own institutions.
They Don’t Just Hate Trump. They Hate You!
The left—and the establishment GOP—want all Trump’s supporters to live in fear that they’ll share the fates of the January 6 defendants, of Jake Gardner, of Ashli Babbitt, of Kyle Rittenhouse, and all the other uppity proles who dared to disobey their supposed betters.
Hakeem Jeffries Becomes Historic
The ascent of an anti-white egalitarian to House Democratic Leader shows that the American left intends to double-down on racial politics.
A Midterm Reality Check
With the Georgia runoff results in, the midterms represent a remarkable achievement for the Democratic Party. They've held their own despite failing grades in all polls on inflation, crime, foreign policy, and immigration, and a mostly senile president.
Progressives Make a Half-Hearted Call for Peace in Ukraine
Now that the American empire has become explicitly leftist—committed to gay rights, feminism, abortion, and “democracy”—the left has become bloodthirsty cheerleaders for its wars.
How Liberal Elites Detest Middle America
President Biden’s recent attack on MAGA Republicans is typical of leftists who resent Middle America.
Why Some of Us Can’t Dine in Peace
The recent harassment of Supreme Court Justices is a continuation of years of abuse and violence against conservative public figures in both public and private spaces. Some of us can't even dine in peace.