Only if we’re using weird in the sense of being too timid to take on the weirdos of the left in any kind of meaningful way.
Tag: Democratic Party
The Democrats’ Civil War
While the Democratic Party base demands strong opposition to Trump. their clever and unprincipled leaders know that it is smarter to be more like him.
The Democratic Fork in the Road and the Woke Repudiation Imperative
Will Democrats get the memo, or will they continue down the path of woke irrelevancy?
The Kritarchy Strikes Back
Judicial partisans undermine the rule of law and the separation of powers by attempting to stymie Trump’s executive orders.
DOGE Has Exposed the Anti-Borders Cash Pipeline
DOGE is exposing how government under Biden was funding both half-hearted efforts to enforce immigration laws and massive efforts to evade them.
What Kind of a Populist Is Elon Musk?
Populism isn’t about rejecting wealthy individuals like Trump or Musk but to curtail the self-dealing of an insider class.
Trump Pulls the Rip Cords on the Administrative State
Members of the vast apparatus of the American bureaucracy need to internalize this constitutional truth: There is no fourth branch of the federal government.
The War Party is Recycling Their ‘Unpatriotic Conservatives’ Mantra
The fight for the soul of the new Trump administration looks an awful lot like the last one.
The Cold Civil War Is Over. We Won.
Trump is taking a sledgehammer to the entire Obama-Biden agenda.
Trump Inaugurates a New Era
Donald Trump dared everything in his inaugural address.
Joe Biden’s Sudden Onset Fanaticism
Like many on the left, Joe Biden initially embraced woke ideology opportunistically, but eventually became a true believer.
Democrats Aren’t Democracy’s Party
Burned when they trusted their voters to give them electable candidates in the ’70s, Democrats have turned to power brokers. And they still get it wrong.
The Dangerous Ignorance of Economics Aggravates Fire Devastation
Elected officials who fail to understand the basic laws of supply and demand make every crisis worse.
Donald Trump’s Worldwide Election
Trump provides a voice for the right even beyond America's shores.
Biden Degrades Presidential Medal of Freedom by ‘Honoring’ George Soros
In choosing to bestow an award on a monster and enemy of Western civilization, Biden has betrayed Americans one more time.
‘For the Good of the Country’
Democrats need to learn that voters want one question answered above all others in making policy: “Is this policy for the good of the country?”
The Acts of ‘Axe’
Obama’s personal storyteller David Axelrod sold the American public a bill of goods.
Word Tricks of the Democrat Media Complex
The vigilance required to parse one’s way through the Democrat Media Complex drives many Americans to seek better alternatives.
Backstage: The Hidden Heroes of MAGA
In the end the task of making America great again will depend upon the backstage crew of ordinary Americans who are doing the hard work of making America good again.
Americans Now See the Fraud of Sanctuary Cities
The high-water mark of virtue signaling sanctuary policies has been reached and the tide is now receding as common sense catches up to reality.
The 2024 Election Was a Triumph of Leadership Over Consensus
Democrats tried to force a consensus instead of allowing for organic leadership and persuasion. They failed.
Identity Politics, Not Biden, Cost Democrats the Election
Democrats are the victims of their party’s ideology.
American Men and the Emerging Culture Shift
This year signaled a rightward cultural shift for males and an opportunity for males to shape American culture.
Time for Feminism to Take Inventory of its Failing Prescriptions
Feminist lifestyle prescriptions aren’t resulting in feminism sending America its best.
Childless Cat Ladies for Law and Order
The conditions that led one woman to renounce her long record of voting for Democrats and supporting the left.
Why Democrats Are Losing Tomorrow’s Elections Today
Democratic governors in deep blue states will own the largest share of the blame in the coming electoral reckoning.
Political Hysteria
Disappointed and angry leftists on social media don’t know what real political fear is.
Remedies for Post-Election Weeping and Gnashing of Teeth
When politics becomes an idol, our disappointment can grind us into dust when it fails us. Here are some suggestions for the afflicted.
California’s Native Daughter Underwhelms
November 5 was not just a rejection of Kamala Harris’s political promotion. It was also a condemnation of her political past.
Why Trump Did Much Better With Hispanics
The 2024 election highlights the complexity and nuance within the Hispanic electorate.
Democrats, Their Base, and Their Performance
The Democratic Party is exactly where it has been intending to go for the last several decades and, considering that, it performed very well on Election Night.
Trump’s Defiant Comeback Shows Potential Not Yet Tapped
The surprising arc of Donald Trump’s political comeback is not yet over. His critics should brace for more.
Freedom of Political Expression Only Goes One Way
Despite Donald Trump’s victory last week, supporters and voters on the right remain less likely than those on the left to be open about their political leanings.
Democrats Are at a Dead End, Unless They Learn From Trump
Democrats who hope to revitalize their party need to accept that wokeism is a dead end and learn from Trump in the same way they once learned from Reagan.
Five Factors Behind Trump’s Triumph
How Donald Trump defied expectations to win the 2024 election.
Political Pollsters Are Not Sending Their Best
The crucial political science that was missing from this year’s election polls has a proven track record. So why wasn’t it used?
The Death of Obamaism, and the Historic MAGA Opportunity
The 2024 election broke Obama’s Democratic intersectional coalition, presenting an historic opportunity for the GOP.
Election 2024: The Revenge of the ‘Fascist’
Considering his record, Donald Trump is a strange kind of “fascist.”
The One Big Reason I Can’t Vote for Harris
Kamala Harris’s open contempt for Western civilization and the culture that built America is disqualifying.
Strong and Intelligent Citizens Don’t Support Harris
Mark Cuban’s insult of female Trump supporters fell flat and highlights the weaknesses of Harris supporters.
Kamala Harris’s Contrived Candidacy
The manufactured identity of Kamala Harris is typical of how our elites hollow out all our most valuable institutions.
What the Left Calls Voting Rights Cheapens Your Vote
The left’s incessant call to make voting easier is really about making it trivial and unimportant.
How Would Aunt Mary Vote?
Polish Americans should detest the Democrats for wanting to destroy the good old U. S. of A. I know my Aunt Mary would.
The Final Choice: Civilizational Arson Versus Civilizational Sanity
It is not an exaggeration to say that everything is on the line this Tuesday.
Trump Vindicates Meritocracy
The emotive arguments against Donald Trump from the left are proof-positive that they have nothing over him on the merits.
Biden’s ‘Garbage’ Comment Wipes Out Dem Claims to ‘Civility’
After a weekend of calling Trump and his supporters “fascists,” Biden’s “garbage” insult shows us the kind of civility we can expect from Democrats.
What’s the Matter With Men?
Men have come to understand that it’s rarely in their interest to intervene on behalf of justice, order, or civilization.
Kamala Harris Targets Married Women
An intrusive new campaign stratagem from team Harris pits husbands and wives against each other and patronizes women at the same time.
Why the Right Needs Trump to Win
Right-wing critics of Trump are foolish if they think there is any future for the issues they care about without a Trump win in November.
A Bad Moon on the Rise: Our Elections and the Aftermath
The forbearance and ingenuity of Hurricane Helene’s victims should inspire our actions in the event of election-related unrest.