Tag: Donald Trump

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Michelle Obama’s Trauma

Michelle Obama’s Trauma

The former First Lady’s DNC speech lamenting the ways of America’s racist, sexist red staters confirmed that she is just a champagne socialist with no chance at or interest in being elected to higher office.

DNC Roundup: What Did I Just Watch?

DNC Roundup: What Did I Just Watch?

Democratic conventions are usually filled with soaring rhetoric disguising the party’s extremism. This year’s trainwreck is what happens when a party has no idea what they are or why they’re here.

The Kamala Harris Hoax

The Kamala Harris Hoax

The Harris honeymoon, like all the frauds perpetrated against Trump in the past, will be exposed sooner or later. The only question is whether that happens before the election.

Rebuilding: New Tech, Old Principles

Rebuilding: New Tech, Old Principles

After draining the swamp, we need to ensure emerging tech serves the republic’s founding principles, rather than the interests of the centralized administrative state.

A Postcard from Manchester

A Postcard from Manchester

The horrors of immigrant violence and the reaction of the UK government to the outrage of its citizens ought to be a lesson for Americans.

Who Should Blacks Vote for in November?

Who Should Blacks Vote for in November?

If looking strictly at policies that best serve the interests of blacks, the electoral calculus may surprise. It’s not the party of the donkey or the elephant, but that of the porcupine.

Left-wing Normies Have Been Radicalized

Left-wing Normies Have Been Radicalized

It’s time for normal people on the left to take stock of the people and ideas they are supporting. The vicious tribalism they support is leading to contempt for and violence against their fellow citizens.

Kamala Harris is a Bad Bet for Democrats

Kamala Harris is a Bad Bet for Democrats

Harris has no excuses, no substance, and nothing recommending her other than convenience and enthusiasm for her race and gender among people who insisted until only a short time ago that Biden was perfectly fine. He wasn’t, and neither is she.

It’s Biden’s Fault

It’s Biden’s Fault

President Joe Biden is in charge of the Secret Service. The fact that his lead political rival was nearly assassinated is Biden’s fault.

J. D. Vance

The Chosen One

Vice President J. D. Vance will help advance a trade agenda and economic statecraft that meaningfully prioritizes the interests of Main Street—not Wall Street.

An American Apotheosis

An American Apotheosis

Donald Trump will not be remembered as his enemies wanted—a traitor and illegitimate president, a “convicted felon” whose time in the Oval Office was a mere mistake of history—but as an American legend destined for greatness.