Tag: Israel

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Hezbollah Degraded

Hezbollah Degraded

Benjamin Netanyahu’s decision to switch the focus from Gaza in the south to Hezbollah in the north was an operational success of the highest order and a political masterpiece.

H Denial

H Denial

It is better to win debates with deniers than to imprison them.

Secrets of the Muddled East

Secrets of the Muddled East

The struggles of the Middle East cannot be summarized or dismissed in chalking it all up to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. There’s much more at play in the region.

Fighting Intolerance with More of the Same

Fighting Intolerance with More of the Same

It’s a little late in the day to be discovering what cesspools of intolerance American universities have become. Suspending freedom of speech to please those who don’t want to hear anti-Zionist sounds is not the proper response.

Toxic Western Wokeness Exacerbates Middle East Conflict

Toxic Western Wokeness Exacerbates Middle East Conflict

The West will come to regret dismissing the foundations of civilized society as “social issues” and exporting radical, woke ideologies as a means of combatting the pathologies that already exist abroad. Instead of offering liberation, we have only pushed these peoples toward additional grievances and inspired more violence.

Charles Schumer: Jewish Bourbon

Charles Schumer: Jewish Bourbon

There is little excuse for Schumer’s shock, and his speech on anti-Semitism, delivered in his usual sanctimonious style, was unimpressive. It may have satisfied him. There is no reason it should satisfy anybody else.

Hamas is Israel’s Golem

Hamas is Israel’s Golem

Hamas is a golem, a monstrous creature from Jewish folklore created from mud and made animate, which escaped his master and turned against him.

Israel’s Strategic Dilemma

Israel’s Strategic Dilemma

Israel will face an impossible strategic situation if it enters urban warfare in Gaza. Far from being a sign of weakness, exercising restraint in the face of Hamas’ provocations is the sound and politically profitable course of action.

Pursuing Ethnic Blocs Stupidly

Pursuing Ethnic Blocs Stupidly

In responses to the Hamas attacks, conservatives again demonstrate inept attempts to imitate the left’s shameful and divisive appeals to ethnic blocs. In abasing themselves to pursue special voting blocs, these conservatives adopt a bad principle and a clumsy and embarrassing strategy.

Shock and Awe by Hamas

Shock and Awe by Hamas

This weekend’s unprecedented attack on Israel from Hamas exposes weaknesses in intelligence, fault lines in ongoing efforts to maintain stability and peace in the broader Middle East region, and potential dangers ahead for all parties.