Tag: World War II

Home World War II
The Great Chain of Being, Arthur O. Lovejoy, Michel Foucault, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr, World War II, Winston Churchill, John Lennon,

The Boomer Truth Regime

Baby Boomers have safeguarded and perpetuated a grand myth through which they interpret past and present events, and derive motivations. Myth is one hell of a drug.

The Sorrows of Empire

The Sorrows of Empire

Leftist ideals are more suited to the governance of global empires than nation-states. Unfortunately, the right is also tempted by imperial ambition.

Augusto Del Noce, Marxism, history, materialism

Remembering Augusto Del Noce

Augusto Del Noce viewed politics and philosophy as inseparably linked and believed that society had to be understood in reference to the history of its thought. He diagnosed Marxism as the deification of history.

Letter from South Tyrol: Austria’s Crimea

Letter from South Tyrol: Austria’s Crimea

There are many arbitrarily drawn borders in the world, none more so than the one on the Brenner Pass (4,500 ft) between Austria and Italy. As you drive south along the Brenner Autobahn, the Alpine landscape does not change. Only the bilingual signposts indicate that you have crossed from Austria into Italy. Most people speak German, and all local stations...

The Hitler of Legend

The Hitler of Legend

Contrary to the standard view of historians, Hitler was not a conservative with pre-World War I aristocratic values, but a radical revolutionary who upended the traditional German power structure.

Merian Cooper, Conquering Hero

Merian Cooper, Conquering Hero

With the war in Ukraine dangerously close to Poland, the specter is raised of the forgotten Polish-Soviet War of 1920. American pilots came to Poland's aid in that war, most importantly World War I veteran and King Kong director Merian C. Cooper.