Author: Laurence M. Vance (Laurence M. Vance)

Home Laurence M. Vance
The First New Deal

The First New Deal

A calm image of businessmen and clerks engaged in the buying and selling of cotton on the New Orleans Cotton Exchange is not what you expect to find on the dust jackets of books about the Civil War.  The Edgar Degas painting that graces the cover of Tariffs, Blockades, and Inflation, however, tells the reader that...

Why Johnny Shouldn’t Vouch

Why Johnny Shouldn’t Vouch

For some time now, the panacea offered by conservatives and libertarians for improving the education of American youth has been vouchers.  There is no question that government schools are failing miserably.  There is plenty of teaching about the wonders of diversity and multiculturalism, but not enough instruction in the basic skills required for work or...