Author: Michael J. Sauter (Michael J. Sauter)

Home Michael J. Sauter

Letter From a Monastery: Engulfed in Solitude

“There is a new loneliness in the modern world . . . the solitude of speed.” —Stephen Vizinczey Br. Anthony Weber is a Trappist monk at the Abbey of the Genesee in Piffard, New York, near Geneseo, where I serve as the Catholic Campus Minister at a SUNY liberal-arts college.  He was the monk dispatched...


Everybody Hans Küng Tonight!

“If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat?”  This old bit of black humor popped into my mind as I drove home from a local college after attending a lecture, entitled “My Long Road to a Global Ethic,” delivered by dissident Catholic theologian Hans Küng.  “It would simply be too coincidental,” I thought...