In a year of blatant political lies (and what presidential election year isn’t?) the calumny against Donald Trump that he is a fomenter of racial divisiveness may be the most unconscionable.  The Republican candidate has never said that all Mexicans are rapists and criminals of various sorts, only that some illegal immigrants from Mexico are—a fact verifiable by anyone who follows the news.  The Muslims whom he would bar from entering the country belong in a religious, not a racial, category.  As for blacks, Americans or otherwise, Trump has said nothing against them as either a race or a culture, else the offending words would be in lights every night on the Times Tower in Times Square.  By contrast, Hillary Clinton never fails to take political advantage of the regular sequence of antipolice demonstrations, more accurately described as race riots by one race, by pointedly sympathizing with the rioters—that is, encouraging them—as part of her strategy to win the support of the 93 percent of black voters who voted for President Obama in 2012, and whose support she desperately needs on November 8.

As the Democratic candidate for president, Mrs. Clinton never misses a chance to assure her black audiences that she is both cognizant of the miserable existence they lead in the United States and willing for that reason to excuse their behavior, no questions asked.  White people, she has said over and again, are “privileged” compared with black ones.  (Privileged, in the word’s pre-Marxian sense, means of course citizens who have been granted special rights or position in recognition of their service to the state, not simply those who are better off than other ones.)  Therefore, destructive, barbarous, and even murderous behavior by black crowds merits her indulgence as well as that of the law, and so does their peculiar notion of a neighborhood street carnival.  Clinton does not scruple to endorse Black Lives Matter’s Wonderland insistence on punishment before the trial, the sentence having been tacitly anticipated in advance, while she is willing to accept rioting as the active form of ghetto entertainment that it quite obviously is.

If it has ever occurred to her to wonder, at three o’clock in the morning of some dark night, when black Americans could possibly ever gain “equality,” having supposedly failed to do so a century and a half after the Emancipation Proclamation, and how much longer, therefore, they should be entitled to special consideration and other forms of alternative action, she has clutched her doubts tightly within her bosom.  Nor has the failure of American whites and America’s most long-standing minority group (the Indians excepted) to bridge the racial divide over centuries of coexistence caused her second thoughts about the wisdom of admitting some hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, of Muslim refugees from the Middle East and Africa to the United States, not to mention millions more representatives of multiple non-Western cultures and religions from around the world.  Yet Hillary Clinton didn’t think twice before she and her party accused Donald Trump of “racism” for his foresight on behalf of Americans living centuries hence.