The Left insists migration is a humanitarian crisis. Wrong. It’s a lawless invasion. Europeans are fighting back. Americans should, too.
Tag: Austria
May 5, 2023May 5, 2023Web
Letter from South Tyrol: Austria’s Crimea
There are many arbitrarily drawn borders in the world, none more so than the one on the Brenner Pass (4,500 ft) between Austria and Italy. As you drive south along the Brenner Autobahn, the Alpine landscape does not change. Only the bilingual signposts indicate that you have crossed from Austria into Italy. Most people speak German, and all local stations...
April 26, 2023April 26, 2023Web
Letter From Austria: Freedom Party Rising
A historic electoral win by the right-wing Austrian Freedom Party in the country’s largest state shows that the ire of the easygoing Austrians has been stoked against unchecked immigration and the overbearing European Union