In a city where many kids cannot read and in a year when inflation is hitting poor urban families harder than almost anyone else, Democrats have the gall to talk about hope.
Tag: inflation
Kamala Harris—In Her Own Words
The lowlights of Kamala Harris’s political rhetoric are quite remarkable.
The Madness of King Joe
Six ways Joe Biden has demonstrated his affinity for authoritarianism and his corresponding contempt for the American people.
The Political Roots of America’s Inflation Problem
Americans are paying more for life’s necessities, they have meddling policy makers to blame.
Why Bidenflation Defines Bidenomics
Bidenomics holds little hope of saving Biden, no matter what happens next.
Gaetz’s Rebellion Against McCarthy Is a Rational Response to the Fiscal Emergency
The historic rebellion of Congressman Matt Gaetz and other Republican fiscal hawks against their own House leadership was a necessary move in the face of a financial crisis in the making.
Repudiating the Debt
Murray Rothbard spelled out inflation’s devastating consequences before proposing his heretical solution: repudiation.
Latest Symptoms of a Disintegrating Nation
America is disintegrating alarmingly fast in a manner not seen since the final years before the War Between the States.
The High Cost of Getting Started
Living at home with one’s parents and saving money is an increasingly attractive option for young, working adults facing high housing costs.
Will Midterms Be Biden’s Last Hurrah?
Biden's presidency is marked by multiple domestic failures. Those combined with his age and declining cognitive abilities make a second term of his presidency highly unlikely.