Tag: National Review

Home National Review
immigration, immigration reform, paleoconservatism, race, racism, nativism, Chronicles, Thomas Fleming, Sam Francis, VDARE, Patrick J. Buchanan, John Tanton, National Review,

We Were Right About Immigration

There was zero critical discussion of immigration in the pre-Trump era save in the pages of paleoconservative publications such as Chronicles and Vdare. We were right and it's time to say so!

Stan Evans: Unsung Hero of the Right

Stan Evans: Unsung Hero of the Right

Despite his significant contributions to the post-WWII right in America, M. Stanton Evans is not as well-known as his many accomplishments warrant. Steven Hayward's new biography sets the record straight.

The Great Conservative Death Wish

The Great Conservative Death Wish

The unremitting success of the left’s march through Western institutions hardly suggests that liberals suffer from a death wish; on the contrary, it is conservatism that appears to be consuming itself.

Conservative Gatekeeping

Conservative Gatekeeping

Conservatism Inc. has a long history of purging undesirables who challenge its party lines, but those in charge of the movement typically hide this practice.