Month: February 2025

Home 2025 February
Silent Generation, The Graduate, Love Story, kid consumers, Great Depression, Boomers, Baby Boomers, Woodstock, the post-World War II economic boom,

Forever Young

Baby Boomers have bankrupted almost all of America’s public institutions, indebted future generations at levels impossible to repay, and delivered us all into the post-COVID dystopia of frayed social fabric and a total loss of public trust.

post-war American right, Reagan, Buckley, Capitalism, Baby Boomers, Baby Boomer conservatism, the young right, populism, populist right, Oren Cass, The American Compass, Albert J. Nock, The Remnant, Isaiah's Job, the masses, National Review, Soviet Union, materialism, Kevin Roberts, Heritage Foundation, American Enterprise Institute, Koch network,

Post-Boomer Conservatism

Baby Boomer conservatism arose during the salad days of American capitalism, the apex of American military might, and the drama of the Cold War. That's all gone and the young right stands at a crossroads.

The Great Chain of Being, Arthur O. Lovejoy, Michel Foucault, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr, World War II, Winston Churchill, John Lennon,

The Boomer Truth Regime

Baby Boomers have safeguarded and perpetuated a grand myth through which they interpret past and present events, and derive motivations. Myth is one hell of a drug.

CalPERS, left-wing high-low coalition, illegal immigrants, Ronald Reagan, Richard Nixon, Bob Dornan, Gavin Newsom, Kamala Harris, California, Sacremento, San Diego, Orange County,

Up in Smoke

As so much of California lies in ruin many wonder whether the Golden State has finally had enough of the ideological incontinence that has brought it so low. Anything is possible in the Trump era!

Christian nationalists, Trump voters, George Floyd riots, Tom Schaller, Paul Waldman, hatred, anti-American, White Rural Rage, anti-white,

The Last Acceptable Prejudice

'White Rural Rage' alleges hatred, bigotry, and utter depravity of white, rural, Christians with no real evidence. Of course, there is not a forthcoming 'Black Urban Rage.'

Howard Zinn, Communists, Nazis, apartheid, Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, anti-blackness, militarism, occupation,

Deconstructing the Colonial Guilt Trip

'On Settler Colonialism' questions whether settler-colonial ideology is just the latest product of the demoralization of the Western world that has gone on since 1914 or whether it is an especially vicious and dangerous development.

The Sound of Freedom, Alejandro Monteverde, German Protestant theologian, Bonhoeffer, Todd Komarnicki, Angel Studios,

Dramatizing Dietrich

Angel Studios has lionized Dietrich Bonhoeffer into a spy and assassin. That's about as historically accurate as making Mahatma Gandhi into Rambo.

El Salvador President Nayib Bukele, Afghanistan, Iran, Syria, Vietnam, Danes, Muslims, razzia, immigration, England, U. K.,

How Nations Die

England's invaders face less resistance than ever as they settle among an unarmed public led by self-hating flaccid clerks. This is how it ends.