Author: John Attarian (John Attarian)

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Reluctance at Reveille

From the June 1997 issue of Chronicles. The global industrial revolution being engineered by multinational firms and the dismantling of international trade barriers have produced wrenching social changes and will unleash more. Rolling Stone National Editor William Greider, author of Secrets of the Temple (on the Federal Reserve) and Who Will Tell the People (on...

Reflections in Print

Reflections in Print

Henry Regnery (1912-1996), as Jeffrey Nelson observes in his introduction, was “one of the unsung heroes of the last half-century of American cultural life.” Henry Regnery Company (now Regnery Publishing, Inc.), which he founded in 1947, gave America’s nascent conservative movement a beachhead in the monolithically liberal publishing world: The breakthrough was the publication of...


Be Sensitive—or Else!

Horror stories about punishments for insensitive behavior on college campuses are old news. But leftist hypersensitivity has permeated everyday life in the real world as well. In Manassas, Virginia, a white woman called 911 at 3:08 A.M. to report that some black men—whom she referred to as “niggers”—were trying to break into her house. According...

Reluctance at Reveille

Reluctance at Reveille

The global industrial revolution being engineered by multinational firms and the dismantling of international trade barriers have produced wrenching social changes and will unleash more. Rolling Stone National Editor William Greider, author of Secrets of the Temple (on the Federal Reserve) and Who Will Tell the People (on contemporary politics), here surveys global capitalism and...


Libraries of Propaganda

Oliver Wendell Holmes used to say that upon first glance at the books in a library “one gets a notion very speedily of the [reader’s] tastes and the range of his pursuits.” One can only imagine what Holmes would have thought about our “range of pursuits” had he visited the University of Michigan’s Harlan Hatcher...