Chronicles carries informed and very interesting articles.  You have literate and intelligent authors, and I look forward anxiously to the arrival of each issue.  I want to compliment you particularly on the article on the judiciary by William F. Harvey (“An Appointment to the Supreme Court,” Vital Signs, June).  It is a tragedy that Judge Danaher was not placed on the Supreme Court instead of Brennan, who gleefully participated in the destruction of constitutional government in this country.  It is refreshing to know that individuals such as Dr. Harvey clearly see the source from which many of our current problems derive.  Thank you for carrying such material.

        —Edward B. McLean
Crawfordsville, IN

On Rockford’s Dawn

Conservatives who hope and pray incessantly for real political reform in America can take great delight in independent candidate Larry Morrissey’s election to the Rockford, Illinois, mayor’s office (“It’s Morning Again in Rockford,” The Rockford Files, June).  While Scott P. Richert didn’t elaborate on Mr. Morrissey’s politics, just the fact that he ran his own campaign and beat the Republicrats in Illinois’ second-largest city proves that the corrupt two-party establishment can be beaten.

I wish all in Rockford the best, and congratulations.  It is morning again.  God willing, what happened in Rockford last Election Day will happen all across America, come election time; that day is long overdue.

        —Kenneth Reynolds
The Bronx, NY