Tag: Ukraine

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Of Dirty Bombs and False Flags

Of Dirty Bombs and False Flags

Russia’s claim about Ukraine’s intent to detonate a false-flag dirty bomb is one more narrative in a long line of political narratives that bombard the average citizen.

A Day of Infamy in Europe

A Day of Infamy in Europe

The destruction of two Russian gas pipelines in the Baltic Sea fits into a suspicious pattern of U.S. economic sabotage, and will have disastrous long-term consequences for both Europeans and Americans.

Putin’s Hesitant Mobilization

Putin’s Hesitant Mobilization

The limited mobilization of Russian troops in the Ukraine conflict is the natural result of Putin’s hesitant and risk-averse leadership. It makes sense only if it is the first step toward total mobilization, both military and economic.

Putin’s Narrowing Options

Putin’s Narrowing Options

In Putin’s War, the tide is turning against the Russians, and Putin faces the prospect of having been the ruler who launched Russia's least necessary war. His situation is growing desperate.

Apocalyptic Warnings

Apocalyptic Warnings

While politicians and media stars talk casually of nuclear war, the risk of a catastrophe that could kill the majority of human life rises ever higher.

Time to Allow a Cease-Fire in Ukraine

Time to Allow a Cease-Fire in Ukraine

U.S. and UK officials have been sabotaging attempts to reach a cease-fire in Ukraine in an attempt to embroil Russia in a war of attrition. It’s time for a sober reassessment of a strategy that has backfired on Western leaders.

Cracks in the Narrative on Ukraine

Cracks in the Narrative on Ukraine

Recent statements by Germany's foreign policy adviser, Jens Plotner, have exposed a general weakening of the narrative that asserts a perfectly monolithic Western world, rock-solid in its determination to punish Russia.

Ukraine, a Hundred Days Later

Ukraine, a Hundred Days Later

Putin is unlikely to take the bold action necessary to salvage Russia's special military operation in Ukraine, a campaign that drags on, undermined by strategic errors and indecisive leadership.

Quo Vadis, Mother Russia?

Quo Vadis, Mother Russia?

The advance of U.S.-led NATO is shrinking the buffer of neutral territories that were once Russian lands. But if the West continues to isolate Russia, there is only one direction it can go: to the East, and China.


A Melancholy Parade

Russian President Vladimir Putin had nothing to offer that could be passed off as victory at this year's traditional military parade. His power may be weakening after a long list of failures—but the world may come to regret the consequences if he falls.

Western Hypocrisy Created Putin

Western Hypocrisy Created Putin

Vladimir Putin is easy to blame but the truth is that the Russian leader is a symptom of the rot in the leadership of the Western world. The liberal interventionists in charge of Western foreign policy are the real threat to world peace.

A Ukrainian Tragedy

A Ukrainian Tragedy

Having designated a traditionalist, conservative, overwhelmingly Christian Orthodox Russia as the enemy, the rulers of an Orwellian "Great Reset" West will be free to cancel conservatives of all stripes even more radically than before.

Come Home, America

Come Home, America

The proxy war in Ukraine is a globalist creation that has little to do with American interests. Americans should not emotionally invest in a fight that is not their own, but focus on more important matters at their own borders.