Speaker Mike Johnson serves up typical establishment tricks before Christmas. Santa came early for the hill rats this year!
Remembering John Taylor of Caroline
John Taylor of Caroline was a man of the American Revolution in whom the “Spirit of ’76” informed a conservative approach to understanding the powers of government.
The Empire State of Mind
Nigel Biggar's sophisticated history of British colonialism does not ignore the many benefits reaped by the recipients. His work is relevant to all Western nations, now threatened by faux radicals.
A Conservative Self-Critique
The Up From Conservatism anthology contains some insightful, biting critiques of the conservative establishment, but its contributors are part of an elite class themselves, with their own sacred cows and taboos.
The MAGA Saga Must Play Out
The Trump saga will, and must, play out. Those who see themselves in his battle with the powerful, who see their troubles mirrored in his struggles, will not be denied.
Lenin’s Tomb
Vladimir Lenin, by his confidence and cunning, left his impression on history and remains relevant 100 years after his death.
What We Are Reading: January 2024
Short reviews of Behemoth: The Structure and Practice of National Socialism, 1933-1944, by Franz Neumann; Counter Wokecraft, by Charles Pincourt and James Lindsay; Love and the Genders by Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn; and, Major Pettigrew’s Last Stand by Helen Simonson.
Books in Brief: January 2024
Short reviews of The Making of White American Identity by Ron Everyman, The Weaponization of Loneliness by Stella Morabito, and The Significance of the German Revolution by Edgar Julius Jung.
Out of the Toxic Fog of Feminist Anger
Domestic Extremist is a book we desperately need, hitting all the right keys and in the breezy, entertaining tone familiar to anyone who has read its author online.
Dostoevsky, Putin, and the Russian Soul
The writings of Fyodor Dostoevsky provide a window into the soul of Russia and the soul of Vladimir Putin. His writings are Russia's national consciousness put to paper.
Three Conceptions of Conservatism
Editor-in-chief Paul Gottfried offers an examination of three major streams of conservative thought, based on aristocratic tradition, universal principles, and the pragmatic pursuit of power.
The Death of the Amateur
When college athletics abandons the spirit of play for the reality of pay.
The Marine Corps’ Answer to James Bond
Legionnaire, Spy, and Marine Colonel Peter Ortiz is unknown today, but his daring exploits during WWII are incredible.
How Giorgia Meloni Became Standard-Bearer of the European Right
Once a marginal figure, Italian Premier Giorgia Meloni's success on the European stage stems partly from the rising popularity of the European right, but, above all, from what she has accomplished.
How Do You Solve A Problem Like Francis?
Pope Francis is not dumb or naive. He is a subversive determined to destroy the Roman Catholic Church.
Two Nations, Talking Past Each Other
Ron DeSantis succeeded, not only in vanquishing Gavin Newsome in debate, but more importantly in illustrating the wide gulf between the elite ruling class and ordinary Americans.
The George Floyd Cover-Up
The public was sold the lie that a rogue, racist cop murdered George Floyd, but the shocking truth is coming to light.
‘Authoritarianism’ Is the Least of Our Problems
Donald Trump is not brining authoritarianism to America in '24. If anything, Trump is a victim, not a perpetrator, of authoritarian chicanery.