Unlike Marxism, wokeness is primarily a “morality” based on an abstract notion of social justice, which takes its inspiration and methods from Mao’s Cultural Revolution.
141 search results for: Woke Ideology
The Pitfalls of a Woke Foreign Policy
American foreign policy holds woke social engineering as its objective to the detriment of the true national interest.
Marx Was Not Woke
Wokeism arises out of the failure of liberalism, not out of the theory of Marxism.
The Post-Christian Moral Order
Wokeness isn’t Marxism. It’s the new moral order for the managerial State.
Is There a Woke Right?
How some classical liberals are using a word that describes the left to gatekeep the right.
Intersectional Technocracy: The New Matrix
Many political theorists have declared the battle over ideologies outmoded and supplanted by a reign of experts or technocrats, but ideology has made a comeback.
Against Political Clichés
Being human is something far more complex and beautiful than the habit of ideological repetition can show us. We miss that if we submit to the current morphing of reality in the service of clichés that condemn us to an inanimate fake life.
The Follies of ‘Centrists’ on Academic Freedom
The defense of academic freedom offered by those who wish to position themselves as centrists on the question is no help at all.
The Fires of America’s Cultural Revolution Were Already Burning
Christopher Rufo excavates several unpleasant and destructive left-wing thought streams that are eroding the social order on which we all depend. His prescriptions for action are convincing, though it is less certain whether his diagnosis is accurate.
Why Wokeism Is Not Marxist
At present, it is not a Marxian anti-capitalist left that most threatens our society. It is a wokeism perfectly happy to consolidate progressive business monopolies with massive economic power over individual lives.
American Revanchism
It is well past time for Americans on the right to stop calling their movement conservative. Before we can have anything to conserve, we must first take it back.
The Brave New World of Children’s Propaganda
The other day I was sent an Instagram video of a little boy having story time on his mother’s lap. The little boy was precious, the time spent on his mother’s lap special, but the choice of reading material was… “woke.” The selected story was The GayBCs by M. L. Web. “A is for Ally,” repeated the little boy,...
Angela Davis for Aunt Jemima: A Plan for Woke Product Packaging
Quaker’s “Aunt Jemima” has been replaced by the Pearl Milling Company. “Mrs. Butterworth” and “Uncle Ben” have followed her into the dustbin of history, all because these venerable product images ran afoul of current ideological purity tests. Woke ideology is rolling like an avalanche through corporate America, and removing these objectionable products is one of the chief ways these...
Is 18th Century Liberalism to Blame for All Our Problems?
Many conservatives insist that some distant, long-past event supposedly causes all our current woke silliness. I call this the "inverted Whig interpretation of history."
What We Are Reading: January 2024
Short reviews of Behemoth: The Structure and Practice of National Socialism, 1933-1944, by Franz Neumann; Counter Wokecraft, by Charles Pincourt and James Lindsay; Love and the Genders by Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn; and, Major Pettigrew’s Last Stand by Helen Simonson.
The Two Nations
Localism is the emergent political movement that presents the best alternative to globalism.
Our Homegrown Ideological Enemy
We do not have to go searching abroad for the roots of our own ideological ruination.
The Woke Mob Comes for a Marxist
For calling out the woke left, Frances Widdowson, an avowed Marxist, was fired from her tenured professorship at Mount Royal University.
The Therapeutic Roots of Wokeism
A new order undergirded by therapism has taken form in the United States.
Toxic Western Wokeness Exacerbates Middle East Conflict
The West will come to regret dismissing the foundations of civilized society as “social issues” and exporting radical, woke ideologies as a means of combatting the pathologies that already exist abroad. Instead of offering liberation, we have only pushed these peoples toward additional grievances and inspired more violence.
The Future of the American Resistance
As the American left brings all aspects of human life under the ideological command of an all-powerful state, the right needs to pursue a strategy of decentralization.
The Coming Counter-Coup Against the GOP
The right’s failure in 2020’s election may herald the start of a new conservative ascension. But it cannot happen under the current Republican Party leadership. The problem is greater than the Republican-in-Name-Only politicians ignoring the legitimate charges of election-rigging and jumping Trump’s ship. For years, the established conservative political class has looked away from...
An Obsolete Alliance Turns 75
NATO has undermined the security of its members and created enemies that, in turn, justify further NATO interference in an increasingly unstable “security environment.”
The ‘Marxism’ Narrative Has Gone Too Far
Conservatives who fixate on Communism misunderstand the dynamic driving today’s left and bringing it to power. They are defending a Maginot Line around which the left has already made an end run.
The West’s Fraudulent Democracies
Western elites consider transgenderist ideology and mass immigration foundational to democracy, while in truth they are destructive of all things democratic.
Too Busy for the Unborn
Ms. Mullarkey misrepresents comments of the Roman Catholic bishop of Madison, Wisconsin in “Politics as Spiritual Warfare” in the November 2020 number of Chronicles. Her quotations are totally accurate but they are grossly out of context and do not convey what the bishop actually says [about abortion as a voting issue] in his Sept....
Unraveling the Remnant
“Whatever the road to power, that is the road which will be trod.” —Edmund Burke For years, or at least for that stretch of time between the heady days of Theodore Roosevelt and the hapless days of Jimmy Carter, something called the Eastern establishment benevolently ruled over America. For years, or at least between the...
The Long March Ahead for the Real Right
The American electorate split strongly along class lines in the 2020 election, as revealed by a Bloomberg News data chart that correlated campaign donors with their professions. This data map looks like an inverted triangle made up of circles in varying shades of blue and red. At the top are large circles in deep blue, denoting...
Come Home, America
The proxy war in Ukraine is a globalist creation that has little to do with American interests. Americans should not emotionally invest in a fight that is not their own, but focus on more important matters at their own borders.
No Capitulation: A Call to Southern Conservatives
The following speech critical of the conservative establishment is one that I did not give at The Charleston Meeting, in Charleston, S.C., whither I was invited by its organizer Gene d’Agostino, as a speaker for the evening of April 14. After espying copies of my book on antifascism for sale on a table in the...
‘The Super Bowl Is Rigged!’: An Intervention
To discredit the MAGA and GOP populist movement, the left doesn’t have to resort to disinformation if the movement is disinforming and discrediting itself.
Odd Bedfellows: Capitalists, Woke Zealots, and Street Gangs
It seems that capitalists, woke zealots, and street gangs are joined at the hip right now. This idea is fleshed out by writer Michael Anton in an enlightening interview with IM 1776. Anton offers this chilling thought: Certain folks will howl at this, but if you listen to the woke left, they think it’s not merely fine...
Revolt of the Fatherless
The crash of Western civilization can be traced to the state’s surgical removal of the father’s authority and to the feminized blind rebellion that has followed.
Marxism Misunderstood
In American Marxism, Mark Levin baldly misunderstands Marxism and tries to link it with woke totalitarianism and anarchism. But the term “Marxist anarchist” is an oxymoron and does nothing to help identify the real enemy.
European Democracy Dies in Romania
The Western political class has brazenly overturned Romania's presidential election because they won't allow a critic of the Ukraine War to take power.
Fundamentalism on the Left
Minds Wide Shut: How the New Fundamentalisms Divide Us by Gary Saul Morson and Morton Schapiro Princeton University Press 336 pp., $29.95 Fundamentalism has long been considered a religious phenomenon, a narrowmindedness that only afflicts Bible-thumping extremists. Yet fundamentalist thinking is everywhere today, and leads naturally to the authoritarian mind and the one-party state....
The Hate That Dare Not Speak Its Name
The grand strategy of the Democratic Party has become to exploit the growing diversity of the American electorate to construct a Coalition of the Fringes. One result has been the cultural acceptance of anti-white racism.
We Were Right About the Managerial State
In the '80s, Chronicles emerged as the sole voice within the conservative movement questioning the ever-growing managerial state.
Parents and Children Are the GOP Future
Heading in to the 2024 elections, the GOP has a unique opportunity to brand itself as the children-first party by actively opposing the Mexican drug cartels and corporate wokeism.
Setting the Record Straight on Liberal Fascism
The right is often accused of fascist tendencies in many of today’s political diatribes. A typical response is for the right to return the same accusation toward the left, a fact Edward Ring explores in a recent article for American Greatness, citing Jonah Goldberg’s famous book Liberal Fascism. Ring provides an intellectual service by bringing up the relationship...
Politics Is the New Religion
The term “political religion” designates the infusion of political beliefs with religious significance. Political religions involve grand plans to transform society into a new sacral order unrelated to how humans have lived beforehand. Political religions also typically divide people into the righteous and the evil based on whether they conform to its transformational vision. They...
Three Conceptions of Conservatism
Editor-in-chief Paul Gottfried offers an examination of three major streams of conservative thought, based on aristocratic tradition, universal principles, and the pragmatic pursuit of power.
Wokedom Westernizes Russia to Malign Her
By describing Russia as an heir to the habits of Western imperialism, the current woke psychosis, combined with crisis escalation in Ukraine, has the potential to destroy the remnant of our common European civilization.
‘The View’ or ‘The Coven’?
A roundup of the woke oddities and mediocrities populating television’s most popular daytime talk show.
The Cowardly American Corporation
The woke bullies of American capitalism are not really bullies at all. The current corporate aborti-mania is driven by abject fear and quivering compliance with cultural authoritarianism.
Why Russia and China Are More Conservative Than the West
Despite their Communist past and present, Russia and China are demonstrably more conservative in many ways than present-day, self-hating America.
The Taliban May Have Provided a Sputnik Moment for Wokeness
In 1957, the supposedly backward Soviet Union launched a satellite into orbit and the threat of Soviet rockets became real for millions of Americans. Fortunately, the Sputnik moment galvanized a massive American response and we soon caught up and overtook the Soviets. Conceivably, the current collapse of our Afghanistan adventure might be a similar “Sputnik...
Olympic Schadenfreude
If there are two sports more ferociously woke than NBA basketball and women’s professional soccer, I am unaware of their existence. Unfortunately for athletes in these two sports, their commitment to wokeness and the language of equity is increasingly backfiring, so much so that I have found their recent Olympic adventures delectable. They are so...
The Great Conservative Death Wish
The unremitting success of the left’s march through Western institutions hardly suggests that liberals suffer from a death wish; on the contrary, it is conservatism that appears to be consuming itself.
From MLK to CRT
Martin Luther King cannot be retrofitted as a conservative. He was at heart an activist of the left, and his ideas were in large part a precursor to critical race theory.