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Migrant Crime Turning Cities Into War Zones

Migrant Crime Turning Cities Into War Zones

The Statue of Liberty says, "Give me your tired, your poor." It doesn't say your lawbreakers, brutes, and gang leaders. But criminals posing as asylum seekers are exploiting soft-hearted Americans and terrorizing their cities.

What Brings Them to Lourdes

What Brings Them to Lourdes

Lourdes is that rare place where the very sick and severely disabled are put in the spotlight and treated with great care and respect, and not as "useless" or as "burdens" in any way.

Putin Almost Blew It

Putin Almost Blew It

None of what Putin said is new to those who have closely followed the sad saga of post-Soviet Ukraine, but the tens, perhaps hundreds, of millions of people who will watch this interview because of the identity of the interviewer, are unlikely ever again to accept uncritically the standard narrative spewed out by Western regimes and their media lapdogs.

Flannery O’Connor and Shadows of Evil

Flannery O’Connor and Shadows of Evil

O’Connor understood the complicated relationship between tragedy and joy was related to the inevitable confrontation of good and evil. Freedom is embracing the metaphysical surrender to the knowledge that we are not the beginning or even the end of things.

Who Paid the Authors of the Border Bill?

Who Paid the Authors of the Border Bill?

Everything we know about the so-called “bipartisan” border bill suggests that it is has been worked out at the behest of powerful interests that have nothing to do with the will or interests of the American people.

Is Taylor Swift Trouble for Trump?

Is Taylor Swift Trouble for Trump?

Left-of-center social and economic attitudes are, for Millennial and Generation Z women, the closest thing to not having any politics: They are the path of least resistance—and least reflection.

Shiny, Happy People

Shiny, Happy People

Like death, suffering is inescapable. It represents the burden of being. But too often today, Americans are trying to escape it with therapeutics and chemicals, neatly packaged as happiness in a bottle.

Is Common Sense Not So Common After All?

Is Common Sense Not So Common After All?

In their desire to overcomplicate the world and, perhaps, elevate their own value in it, researchers delight in telling us that common sense is not very common. Perhaps that would mean something if those same researchers had the common sense to understand what common sense actually is. But they don’t.

The Left’s Convenient Epiphany on Border Security

The Left’s Convenient Epiphany on Border Security

The anti-borders left will never truly abandon its plan to bring America to its knees through unsustainable levels of illegal immigration. It will only change its spots temporarily, repackaging itself as the solution to the problem it created.

Yes, America Is Being Invaded

Yes, America Is Being Invaded

Though most of the migrants crossing the U.S. southern border are in search of economic opportunity, some are used as tools by our enemies. The invasion is deliberate.

Trump’s Map to the White House

Trump’s Map to the White House

A strategic choice of VP and a party unified in the battleground states, plus Biden's dismal record, might be all it takes to turn the 2020 map back into Trump's winning 2016 map.

When a Giant Crosses Your Path

When a Giant Crosses Your Path

The story of one man’s intellectual and personal friendship with Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn, stretching across the last decades of the 20th century, and the lessons it might impart for us today.

Odysseus Lost

Odysseus Lost

A new novel suggests compelling and realistic ways of thinking about the problems confronted by returning soldiers.

Winter’s Poet

Winter’s Poet

Robert Burns, born on this date in 1759, holds no high place today among academics. His genius continues to elude them, yet his poetry lives on in spite of them, recited and translated all over the world.

The Madness of King Joe

The Madness of King Joe

Six ways Joe Biden has demonstrated his affinity for authoritarianism and his corresponding contempt for the American people.

Why Lenin Is No Longer Relevant

Why Lenin Is No Longer Relevant

Today’s woke leftists would find the Soviet dictator far too muscular and manly to make room for him in their pantheon of girly government apparatchiks and petty tyrants.

Our Government is an Unfaithful Spouse

Our Government is an Unfaithful Spouse

We need a nation of citizen-activists who demand more from their government. The first demand should be simple: prioritize the needs of the citizens already here over those whom the government is recklessly pressing to get into the country.

MLK Redivivus

MLK Redivivus

Martin Luther King, Jr. did not bring the races closer together; and the legacy he left behind has been one of erasing more and more of our national heritage whenever it does not fit a progressively more radical leftist agenda.

Can Miss America Restore America’s Faith in Merit?

Can Miss America Restore America’s Faith in Merit?

Air Force pilot, Harvard grad, and Top Gun hopeful Madison Marsh was crowned Miss America on Sunday in Orlando, Florida, on a platform of hoping to dismantle stereotypes about women in the military. Through no fault of her own, her bigger challenge will be to restore America’s faith in merit and accomplishment.

Will Africa Save America?

Will Africa Save America?

Conservatives are right to take heart from Christianity’s growth in Africa. Yet if the civilization that Christianity created in Europe and America cannot survive here, the prospects for Christian civilization anywhere are bleak.