California is getting precisely the kind of emergency management it voted to get.

More Than A Game
How Notre Dame football made American Catholics and college athletics part of the great American tradition.

The Lie that MAGA is DEI for White People
The fantastical idea that the West’s survival depends on replacing itself with the rest of the world contorts reality.

LA’s Devastating Lesson for Blue Cities Everywhere
Blue cities across the country should learn from the disaster in Los Angeles and demand changes that leave them less vulnerable.

As Trump Picks Face Confirmation, Fauci Tries to Reinvent AIDS
Inside Anthony Fauci’s attempt to evade accountability for the COVID catastrophe and to chart the future of white-coat supremacy.

Can the Detroit Lions Lift the Curse of Bobby Layne?
After more than 50 cursed years, the road to the Super Bowl finally appears to run through Detroit.

Democrats Aren’t Democracy’s Party
Burned when they trusted their voters to give them electable candidates in the ’70s, Democrats have turned to power brokers. And they still get it wrong.

Should I Sue the Washington Post?
There comes a point when enough is enough. The media should be held accountable for their lies.

German Police Shield Muslim Offenders, Fail German Society
German police have made it their priority to keep the public in the dark about the identity of the majority criminal element in that society.

The Dangerous Ignorance of Economics Aggravates Fire Devastation
Elected officials who fail to understand the basic laws of supply and demand make every crisis worse.

The Die-Hard Myth of the Missing American Tech Workers
A narrative with its origins in little more than greed refuses to die, despite readily available evidence refuting it.

Andrew Breitbart, Mark Zuckerberg, and the Two-Way Politics-Culture Street
Zuckerberg’s recent mea culpa tour demonstrates how culture can sometimes be downstream of politics.

Democrats Hold Their Noses and Certify ‘Insurrectionist’ Trump
Democrats' talk of staging an objection to the certification of an "insurrectionist" quickly evaporated, and the certification of Donald Trump's victory proceeded without a hitch.

‘Daniel Penny Effect’ and New York’s Surging Crime Rates
Who can blame New Yorkers for refusing to intervene to prevent crime when they live in a city where such heroes are treated as criminals?

The Cost of Trump’s Deportations Is a Bargain
Activists now feigning outrage over the cost of deportation had no problem spending your money to maintain illegal immigrants in the U.S.

Donald Trump’s Worldwide Election
Trump provides a voice for the right even beyond America's shores.

Biden Degrades Presidential Medal of Freedom by ‘Honoring’ George Soros
In choosing to bestow an award on a monster and enemy of Western civilization, Biden has betrayed Americans one more time.

‘For the Good of the Country’
Democrats need to learn that voters want one question answered above all others in making policy: “Is this policy for the good of the country?”

NYT Reporter Regrets Kavanaugh Hit: “I Have Learned Some Lessons”
In an age where journalists may finally be held accountable for their lies, we should expect more sudden pangs of conscience.

Make Agencies Mortal Again
DOGE’s first task should be to make government agencies compete to be efficient, or face elimination.

Tech Brahmins Should Look at Indian Dysfunction First
Before criticizing America and American workers, people like Vivek Ramaswamy should consider the ramifications of importing India’s dysfunctional culture.

The Acts of ‘Axe’
Obama’s personal storyteller David Axelrod sold the American public a bill of goods.

My Own Brush With Abortion
As an “inconvenient” child born before Roe, I was lucky that there was no notion of a “right to an abortion” then.

Brothers: Donald John Trump and Cassius Marcellus Clay
Both Ali and Trump, kindred spirits in so many ways, shook up the world.

We Were Right About the Managerial State
In the '80s, Chronicles emerged as the sole voice within the conservative movement questioning the ever-growing managerial state.

We Were Right About Foreign Policy
U.S. leaders continue vindicating Chronicles' warnings with their disastrous foreign policy decisions. It remains to be seen whether President Trump will continue to break the trend by keeping the U.S. out of unnecessary wars.

We Were Right About Immigration
There was little critical discussion of immigration in the pre-Trump era save in the pages of paleoconservative publications such as Chronicles and VDare. We were right and it's time to say so!

We Were Right About Tariffs
Trump is again preparing to use tariffs to maximize America’s leverage and expand its deal-making options. Tariffs can and will be used to promote an America First trade agenda.

We Were Right About the Family
As Chronicles broke free of movement conservatism, we began exploring the disintegration of the family and we found many likeminded friends. It was an exciting time.

Remembering Oswald Spengler
Oswald Spengler confronted the progressive theory of history with his own cyclical theory and diagnosed the causes of the West's decline.

What We Are Reading: January 2025
Short reviews of Alien Nation by Peter Brimelow, and The Immigration Mystique by Chilton Williamson.

The Self-Defeating Nature of Jewish Leftism
The book "The New American Anti-Semitism" underlines the dangers of the American Jewish romance with the political left. Yet it still falls into the old trope of calling all Israel's critics anti-Semites.

Searching for Zion
Rachel Cockerell's quest in "Melting Point" to discover the truth about her great-grandfather has produced not just a family history but a history of the broader search for a Jewish homeland.

The Troubled Upbringing Trend
Rob Henderson's story in "Troubled" follows a recent trend in memoirs: A troubled upbringing entailing various hardships. His story is similar to J. D. Vance's "Hillbilly Elegy."

Books in Brief: January 2025
Short reviews of Missionary Diplomacy by Emily Conroy-Krutz, and Metaracism by Tricia Rose.

European Democracy Dies in Romania
The Western political class has brazenly overturned Romania's presidential election because they won't allow a critic of the Ukraine War to take power.

The Remarkably Quiet Death of Tackle Football
The gradual, deliberate banning of tackle football is apparent to avid fans. Those in charge will not stop until the game is completely transformed.

Megalopolis Is a Mega-Flop
Francis Ford Coppola's passion project confusedly tells the story of a minor event in Roman history. The bloated budget and string of mishaps hardly helped to salvage this disaster.

2024: A Chaotic Year in Review
A noteworthy year full of developments in world affairs leaves us wary of the evil they reveal, and hopeful that this evil will never triumph.

America Voted Against Suicide
The majority of Americans—including legal immigrants—agreed with the ideas that Trump and Vance drew from their America First philosophy.

Is Trump Part of the Swamp Now?
Donald Trump's victory signals that a good portion of the elites have made a tactical calculation to switch sides at a critical time.

Compassion Denied
There are reasons for the joyous public reaction following healthcare CEO Brian Thompson's assassination. It is important that we understand those reasons.

Feelings Don’t Care About Facts
New Yorkers who sense that they have something to fear from crime are not irrational or crazy, whatever the numbers say.

Fascism Lives Rent-Free in the Minds of the Left
The left obsessively accuses their enemies of fascism without ever defining the term or addressing their own totalitarian tendencies.

When Enough Isn’t Enough: Carter’s True Legacy
The embarrassing fawning over Carter’s legacy from establishment conservatives reveals their abiding desire for social respectability at the expense of truth.

‘Seeing’: A Christ-Filled Jazz Record
An interview with jazz pianist Tord Gustavsen about the influences that converged to help him create his masterpiece.

Another Attempt to Climb Mount Resolution
Here I am again, draped with tackle and gear, preparing to begin the climb.

Make a Resolution to Fix Social Security
Calling attention to the fiscal realities that apply throughout the federal government has never been more essential.

A Yuletide Note: Jesus, the Asylum Seeker?
Contemporary attempts to paint Jesus Christ as a slighted migrant are politically, not biblically, inspired.